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"New? why haven't I been caught up?" He asked I stood up being sat back down as someone climbs my back "little monster" leo smiles I stood up bouncing him on my back I walk away putting kylo on the couch I turn around smiling at him I tickle him making him laugh "you bitch" she said I roll my eyes continue playing with kylo "you deserve it" I smiled as I put him in his playmat standing up facing her "way much worse you wanted me dead" she said raising her arm I grab her arm twisting it "yes I did either you leave with alister alive or die being a weak witch" i give her opinions she pulls away "she's stalling someone find alister" mattheo ordered I look back at her gone I look at kylo still there I pick him up hugging him I walk over to mattheo stroking kylo playing with his toy "is he ok?" He asked "yeah she hasn't touched him" I said softly "rummaging through your room looking for this" leo comes downstairs with him holding a book "why do you need that?" I asked him "what do you truly desire" my father glows his eyes at him "being powerful enough more then the baby" he said compelled lucifer pulls it away "where's Sarah?" He asked "dying what do you mean more powerful then kylo?" I asked him "he has magic did have darkness but mattheo took his magic back didn't he? he was born with magic that's why mattheo had to harm 'kylo' because he siphoned the magic out of you" he looks over to me then mattheo "iv heard of it it's rare but it happens" hermonie said i roll my eyes "we all have he's got light magic and dark magic without even realising when old enough we'll teach him" i explain "that's dangerous" she shakes her head right totally I walk away "your proving her right not like you" leo said i turn to him "she isn't right there's magic blockers on him so he can't use the magic slowly by day I'll take them off teaching him as he grows older so he has more control not dangerous" i explain "your frying my brain put it into simple words" mattheo asked walking up to me "yesterday I took the bracelet off created the dirty clothes pile a mess so I put it back on him using the toys to help him" I explain "why playmat?" He asked "when harmed lying down he can use the magic" I shrug "you can't use magic when harmed?" He said confused taking kylo of me "he's in the prophecy he can witch will lead him to death quicker but am a risk taker he will have a little of that in him" i explain "show me tomorrow?" He asked "u-uhm we can't" I said softly "why? What day is it?" He asked "strange addiction day" i sighed seeing a smile appear on his face "I'll be fine" he kissed my cheek then walk off with kylo "no you won't" i sulk as pansy hugs me "you don't see happy on my day back" she said softly sitting down "tomorrow is strange addiction day for me and Mattheo and he thinks he will handle another day without sex won't work because he's really satisfied with kylo magic which is in the prophecy light and dark mixed and powerful yada yada and I know that because of the book that alister tried stealing with his strange girlfriend Sarah who made leo like me messing with his feelings so now he's dealing with her enough information?" I explain "and all this happened while I was on my way? wow ok" she said "wait you and Mattheo made a sex calendar?" draco asked "the fuck? no?" I said confused "then what's up with 'strange addiction day' because that sounds like you've planned it meaning calendar" aliser groans walking over I glow my eyes at him compelling him "what do you truly fear?" I asked him "bitches stabbing me to death" he answers "think of Sarah and you both living a lovely life till she stabbed you in the throat seeing you useless as you fall to the floor begging for life but unable to think from her stabbing your stomach multiple times drenching your top till one time you couldn't breath" i explain sad ending story "who hurt you?" Grace asked grimmest "I felt the same thing when I met him your not alone" i sighed "and that would be me" mattheo said walking walking over to me "what?" Everyone asked even me I turned around looking at him full confusion "she asked who hurt you? did she not?" He points at Grace "wasn't talking about that the emotional way" I said softly before banging my head on pansys shoulder "looks like the day is a bit early" draco laughed "have fun" pansy joined i push her away mattheo took her spot with his arm behind my head "what day is early?" He asked "your weirdness" i cuddle him "thingy has it and you don't call him weird your weird with your k" i stop him from covering his mouth with a pillow I move it away "you finished!?" I asked him "no let me finish" he said "I did that to stop you from continuing I asked because you meant to say yes" i explain "Addy is weird with her" I move the pillow back to his face he moves it away "dude I know but I understand how your clinger onto it better if you don't say a word about it" leo explains then gets up walking over to him "always gets you back" I smile "actually I do have a story about Matty" I smiled at him "which one is this one?" Mattheo asked "uhh forgot something with you getting strangled or was that me?" I asked myself with everyone laughing

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