Troubled teen

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"That's not the same but could do it again here" he points at his mouth "after," I said softly "promise?" He asked "not trusting your promises," I said pointing at him he laughs with the others "give me my ring than" he asked I gasp moving it away "never in a million dreams when the North Star moves then I will" I said smiling "what?" Draco asked with hermonie on his lap "the North Star don't move the other star moves around it" hermonie said interrupting me i roll my eyes "who talks first?" He asked "draco" I smiled "no Tom" I said interrupting I see him struggling ha bitch "pansy" he said softly "so your both sorted?" Blaise asked "staying friends yes" Tom answered I smile at mattheo "WERE BEING NORMAL!" I shout as mattheo tries covering my mouth they all laugh I giggle holding his hands down I stick out my tongue at him smiling "nobody needed to here that" he said "actually they did instead of your weird horniness" I said softly "I'll take that to my death thanks" he said "your not dying" i sulk he kiss pecked me "we all die eventually" he said "yeah but together" I said "name one person who got married and died together with there partner" he asked "when one of us I'll or whatever the other kills themselves boom died together" I said smiling "who's who?" Tom asked I looked over to mattheo "killing myself when she shouts 'we're being normal' again her getting ill" he explained "I'm being proud of that leave me alone" i said softly "be proud I ain't stopping you unless your shouting it" he said I roll my eyes "Blaise truth or dare?" I asked him "truth" he said after stuttering "do yo"-I cover mattheo mouth with more marshmallows "did you regret sleeping with pansy?" I asked him "dickhead" mattheo coughs I looked over to mattheo "your ill me killing myself" I looked up at Tom who's dying of laughter with everyone else "Blaise you dare answer her"-he coughed "her question ill make pansy fuck you again my way" he explains as I rub his back "he's to busy fucking me so he won't answer the question" I said softly "no and your both funny and gross" he sighed "thank you" we both said smiling I looked over to mattheo "done dying?" I asked him "yes" he said I get the bowl everyone starts laughing again he smashes the bowl away holding me down onto the log "if I complain my back hurts it's your fault" I said "your testing me right fucking off" he said "I was gonna eat them what did you think I was gonna do?" I asked him leaving everyone on the floor dying laughing "upstairs now!" He growled "am sorting my back first prick" I said walking off "UPSTAIRS!" He shouts "NO!" I shout back then go to the bathroom facing my back to the mirror "upstairs" he said pissed off "put cream on my back then I will" I passed it to him as I take the dress off not fully till I show mattheo my back rubbing cold cream onto my back feels a free massage till he stops I put the dress on putting the hoodie wrapped around my waist "he found you yet?" Tom asked laughing "yeah bitch hurt my back" i complained "you promised" he said behind me I turned around "I was waiting for you and since when did I pro"- he stopped me talking from kissing me "shut up upstairs" he said softly I roll my eyes holding his hand as we went up till he picked me up I squeal appearing at our room slamming the door shut as I leaned against it him kissing me pulling away both undressing each other He tapped my thigh signaling to jump and I did and he grab me from under my thighs and walks over to the bathroom slammed me on the wall pressing the on button and slipped his dick inside me. He started in me at a fast pace. "Mhm" I moan he groans He started faster that I couldn't even speak. "Y-yes" I moan He started I felt my high coming so I clenched my walls around his dick and he groans "theo-s-shit baby do that again" I clenched one more time and he came inside me and I also came and he put me down and kiss me "am I allowed a shower?" I smiled "mhm no" he said softly I kissed him wrapping my arms around his neck playing around with his hair "Addy? you here?" Leo asked great a new one i walk out the shower putting a towel around myself "yes?" I asked him "sor-uhm just wanted to say kylo is asleep" he said then leaves I look at him confused then turn around to mattheo there dressed at the door "what you do?" I asked him confused "me nothing" he stands behind me I looked back at him "your a bad lier" I turned around facing him "fine I may or may not have threatened him" he rolled his eyes "fuck sake night mattheo" I said getting into my pjs

 "Y-yes" I moan He started I felt my high coming so I clenched my walls around his dick and he groans "theo-s-shit baby do that again" I clenched one more time and he came inside me and I also came and he put me down and kiss me "am I allowed a sh...

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I walk out going downstairs to Leo "how he threaten you?" I asked him sighing sitting next to him "he's right to be worried I don't know what took over me" he said softly I look at him confused "mattheo asked me if your mad at him?" Draco asked "yes fuck off" I said to him looking at him then he leaves I look back at Leo "Leo what's wrong?" I struggled to say because he's always him "I was..going to hurt you" he said then looks at me "mattheo way or something else?" I asked him "both" he said o-oh uhm "anyone strange been by?" I asked him "my brother and his girlfriend but I swerve she told me her name" he said I look around "Grace..knock on to mine and Mattheos room say it's you ok and tell to come down" I said she nods "Grace please" I said "alright fine" she said then walks off upstairs normally when am pissed off mattheo goes back to his strange thing

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