Blown down

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"Mhm?" She asked smiling "why did you get engaged if it's not going ok?" I asked her crossing my arms " is just not the one I imagined" she said sitting down i crouch down to her level my hand on her thigh "pansy be truthful with me please if it's not extraordinary amazing feeling no spark no nothing he ain't the one for you girl" I explain she hugs me crying "shhh hey hey your alright" i stroke her back calming her down pulling away "I cheated on him just once with Blaise few days later feeling sick.." she sniffes oh shit carmon ain't toms I hug her tight knowing she'll need it I stroke her back "you girls alright?" Tom asked I looked up to him "could you leave us a second?" I asked him he nods I shut the door walking up to her "do either of them know?" I asked her she shakes her head "ok uhm talk to Blaise no Tom first tell him how your feeling being honest then Blaise" i said softly as I pass her tissue "is it bad?" She asked "your makeup?" I asked her confused she giggles shaking her head "oh that uhm y-no you was finding someone who you love that's not bad" I shrug she nods sighing "good luck girl" i mouthed leaving her room taking my bags "is there need for that much?" Tom asked "always" I smile leaving closing the door with my foot walking to mine and Mattheo room unpacking i lie down sighing mattheo jumps on the bed next to me I squeal moving out the way "saw pansy she looked like she was gonna burst into tears" he said softly "her and Tom rocky road you tell me" I said softly as he strokes my arm "who cheated?" He asked "pansy with Blaise bomb baby appeared" i whisper he stops i turn around facing him "carmon ain't Tom?" He asked confused i nod "ouch he ain't gonna handle that well" he said "is he gonna hurt her?" I sat up he got up I follow him quickly mattheo pulling Tom away I run up to pansy pulling her out the room to mine and Mattheo hugging her "are you hurt?" I asked her she shakes her head I sigh "if he lays a hand on you the wrong way he's getting in trouble and not with kylo" I said softly stroking her back "is there spare bedroom?" She asked before she starts crying again "across Blaise room or you can sleep over with him? unless you want to here draco and hermonie downstairs?" I asked her she pulls away disgusted I smile "your choice" I giggled "am gonna stay at hogwarts for a while don't tell anyone please" she asked I nod "I won't take your time" I hugged her "gonna miss you" i sulk "what about carmon?" She gasps "omg and carmon? wow" I hold my chest "he knows it's Blaise he'll eventually tell Blaise about it start a fight calm down while am enjoying life at hogwarts I'll call time to time with you" she explains I nod smiling
Downstairs in the living room with mattheo with difficulty's
"Where's pansy? you was last seen with her?" Tom asked calmly i look at mattheo scared he smiles "uhm I-I don't know cheaked your room?" I asked him "that's the first place he'll go" mattheo butts in "I don't know then bye Tom" I rushed he walks away I look at mattheo "seriously? your lucky am wearing a dress" I complained "mhm" he smiled somethings on his mind I kiss his neck whispering softly feeling him inside getting harder "you-..know where pansy is why didn't you tell him?" He asked "she begged me not to" I bite my lip "if I-I begged you not to stop wil-ll you?" He asked "n-nno" I stuttered almost reaching my organism "good girl" he whispered with his head back eyes closed I wrap my arms around his waist so it looks like an hugging him as I kiss his neck and give him hickeys he came "shit" he mumbles I giggle "can i now?" I asked him "yeah" he cleared his throat sitting up holding my waist close to him by moving me slightly I hold his chest he looks over to me "you ok?" He asked I nod I hug Mattheo acting normal as possible as the others walk in my heart raises "I hate this plan" I said softly looking up at Mattheo he smiles "I can feel your heart I know" he said stroking my back "can we leave then?" I asked him "group meeting" he sulks "please?" I asked him "after the conversation" he said softly I groan lying back down on him
Waking up did I- I sit up looking around mine and Theo's room right? Sooo where's him? Getting up to the bathroom having a quick shower putting the dress back on I get a blanket and put it over myself going downstairs almost tripping about three times going to Blaise and draco flying over to the couch giggling "morning to you to" Blaise laughed glad to see a happy face on him once in a while "quick guess your bored and want to annoy mattheo but he ain't here he's in a meeting" draco explained I sit up "am cold the more you move in a small environment the warmer you get" I smiled "rigggght" draco rolled his eyes "don't believe me? do it yourself it's fun" I smiled standing up almost falling "DARCY!" I scream the house down not really but am glad she caught me "my ears" she giggled as she stands me up "you probably woken up kylo" draco said I jump facing him "he ain't here leo took him to hogwarts" i explain "mr.riddle wanted to know why the shouting but happy your awake" someone asked I jumped turning around facing her

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