Dark riddle

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He slowly pulls away I hold his hand "your ok" I said softly hugging him "could you untie me?" He asked softly "are you gonna kill anyone?" I asked him pulling away doing it anyways he immediately holds my waist picking me up I scream a little
In the kitchen i glare at him "only once" he smiled before kissing my neck He tucked a strand of hair behind my hair to get better access to my face. Unable to control myself, I got myself off the chair and pushed my body against his. Our body was pushed against each other and I couldn't help but let out a moan. When we kissed the first time, he was just a crush but now, he was something more than that. Much, much more than that. At least, for me. He pushed me against the table and at the same time pushed our plates to the far end of the dining table to make space for us. He held my waist and then moved his hand towards my back. He grabbed me by my ass and I gasped loudly. He lifted me up and placed me on the table swiftly. I wrapped my legs around his torso and pulled him closer at the same time as he gave my ass a little squeeze. He slid his tongue inside my mouth and played with my tongue I felt something poke my lower abdomen. Is that what I think it is? Shit, I guess it is. I ran my fingers through his soft hair and continually moaned as this kiss was starting to get 100 times better than my first. He removed his lips from mine only to drag his lips over to my lips and sucking it gently. He bit my lower lips gently and before licking the same spot. He brought his lips to my ears, blowing a cold breath on the path. "Told you I get what I want and continue doing so" he whispered into my ears and I shivered. He placed kisses tracing my jaw line and ultimately brought his lips back to mine. I could feel the wetness around my core and this is the first time He lifted my shirt up a bit and ran his hand over my stomach, dangerously going towards my bra too deep to stop he pulls away looking behind me "oh shi-sorry" draco oh now he-oh-fuck off I bang my head on mattheo shoulder "what are we doing with our lives?" I asked him as he helps me down passing me my shirt "having fun" he smiled before leaving can't disagree nor agree hopefully draco will forget everything about that I go upstairs cheaking on kylo with Leo rocking him to sleep falling asleep himself I walk in the room "go sleep in your bed" I said softly "you sure?" He asked yarning I nod he gets up as I pick up kylo just missing his mama I sit down where Leo was breastfeeding kylo slowly falling asleep mattheo walks in "I was wondering why you wasn't in bed" he said softly walking up behind me "where's Leo?" He asked softly "gone bed he's out" I said whispering "definitely our child" he smiled "I did want a girl" I shrugged "I was shocked it ain't one" he whispered taking kylo rocking him "hop to bed if am not there 10-15 minutes me and kylo will be joining" he said as I cover up nodding why is it taking kylo so long to sleep especially this late "you ok?" Leo asked me "shit wrong room sorry" I hold my head he laughs "your alright" he smiled holding his arms out I go over to him hugging him "we're all tired but kylo" i yarned "you and Mattheo ain't" he said I pulled away confused "what?" I asked him confused "I'll tell you in the morning with the others but do get some sleep" he said I nod getting up almost tripping over his shoes I kick them away going to bed after struggling my way there a little I take my top and pants off hopping into bed not actually hopping but getting into the cold big bed falling asleep quickly

"Baby you wake?" I heard mattheo ask I groan turning the other way opening my eyes to him holding kylo I hold my arms out he gives kylo to me "why aren't you asleep you naughty boy?" I asked kylo he just smiles "no smiling it's bed time sleepy" i tickled him as he and mattheo laughs getting into bed me and Mattheo at the edges and kylo in the middle

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