Name calling

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"again with the daddy? stay away from kylo!" He asked I cough "no he's my baby" i stick out my tongue "and what am I?" He asked "my present husband that I currently hate but my future husband is someone who I will love who's also a riddle" I smiled "my brother?" He asked I stopped and turned around to him confused "what? fuck no mind out the gutter" I said getting up before slapping the back of his head "harsh.." Tom complained "find some chick at hogwarts to get pregnant am sure you will love the child more then her unlike Matty here" I said walking to the kitchen "you mean 'daddy' because Matty or theo isn't my type any more" he smiled I turned around glaring at him as he walks up to me smiling "don't give me that look when you know you want to call me that" he asked holding my chin up so am looking at him "totally mattheo" I smiled "or my name.." he sighed moving away I smile I go behind him as he makes food "kitchens full draco!" Tom shouts I looked over to him standing there with his arms crossed tapping his feet I burst out laughing walking over to him "mr bossy pants what do you want?" I asked him smiling he just blanks stares "you ok?" I asked him worried "how far would you go if someone's..task is to kill someone" he asked I cross my arms wondering where's he's going with it "and your asking me why?" I asked just before someone storms in "black..lovely" I mumble going upstairs "Leo.." I asked seeing him packing "there here might wanna rush it" i whisper going to kylo "your gonna be a good boy to Leo if he gets hurt make sure someone like him takes it off you got it?" I asked him he nods then hugs me "miss you to bunny" I stroke his back I kiss his forehead then stand up they both disappeared I close my eyes calming my heart he's gonna come back I turned around to mattheo there holding his arms out I walk up to him hugging him "it's happening all over again" I mumble "Leo been teaching him control even in times like these he'll be fine" he pulls away "what and he's out there alone? he don't have the mark can't get back here when Leo is dead" i explained anoyyed "take that anger somewhere else Leo and kylo will be fine I promise you" he said softly I breath in and out "there both strong can make it out" i smiled "that's only if our people don't find them" serius said I walked passed ignoring him till he son stands there I roll my eyes "ooo someone's angry" he smiled "suck it dick.." I mumble going downstairs "you ok?" Pansy asked "yeah am perfectly fine..not like the black family walked in unannounced my ex who is now my friend on the run with my child Rocky still looking for his lover but she don't give two fucks about him and some how mattheo is able to joke around yes am fine" I explain pissed off "upstairs!" Mattheo appeared infront of me pointing upstairs i glare at him "no am doing that..upstairs" he asked again I roll my eyes "roll them hazel eyes again and I'll make regulus pull them out" he shouts as I go back upstairs "he isn't laying on fucking hand on me" I point at him looking at mattheo he moves his hand I grab his arm twisting it to his back kneeing his back so he's on his knees and arms behind his back "don't fucking touch me again in my house!" I whisper pissed before I walk over to my room

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