Part III: The Girlfriend

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III: Liam

Liam mentally sighed as the movie ended. It had been entertaining, but Nicholas Sparks movies weren't in his go-to group of movies. Too predictable. Marie had enjoyed it though, and she seemed to have forgotten about anything bad to do with Blake, as she lay snuggled up next to him, her head on his chest and her legs tangling with his. For a while, as the credits rolled and a musical suite of the soundtrack played over it—the part of the movie Liam enjoyed the most—the two of them just lay together on the bed in silence. When Liam finally shifted to see if Marie had fallen asleep on him, as she did from time to time, she twisted and lifted her head to meet his gaze. Her eyes, normally a light, almost-grey blue, looked dark violet in the dim light emanating from the television, and her shoulder-length, blonde hair appeared the dark brown that she swore was her natural color. Her lips were parted slightly.

Tentatively, Liam moved his hand to her cheek and pulled her toward him. He brushed her lips gently, not sure how receptive she would be. Marie surprised him by grabbing him by the back of the head and tangled her fingers in his hair as she crushed her lips against his. Her kiss was hungry, demanding. Liam's pulse quickened, the bulge in his jeans quickly becoming uncomfortable as he returned Marie's kiss, matching its heat and pushing apart her lips with his tongue. Marie moaned into his mouth as their tongues danced, skillfully trading thrusts and ripostes. She released his head, frantically grabbing and squeezing at his arms and chest as her hands made their way down to the bottom of his shirt. She practically tore it off.

"Liam, you know when we met and you were skinny that I thought you were hot, right?" She said haltingly between kisses.

"Yeah?" Liam said, pulling his mouth back from her neck as he rid his girlfriend of her shirt. She had forgone a bra and her nipples hardened at the air's cool touch.

Free of her shirt, Marie knelt lower and started kissing his chest, leaving a trail of hot spots along his skin, "This is better." She ran her fingers down his toned stomach, and Liam could hear her grin, "Mmm, much better."

That hand trailed further down and over the crotch of his jeans, caressing the now almost unbearably uncomfortable bulge. Marie giggled, as she always did upon seeing the shape of his hard cock outlined through his jeans, before going to work on his fly. Liam moaned in relief when she freed it from its denim confines, and gasped when she wrapped her hand around it—she could almost wrap her hand all the way around it. Almost.

Marie leaned forward and kissed him again, just as firmly as before, but gentler this time. Her fingers were still wrapped around his cock, which twitched within her delicate embrace.

Liam rolled the two of them over so that he was on top, grinning when Marie squeaked in surprise. He wasted no time in kissing her exposed chest, taking one nipple in his mouth while he caressed the other breast. Though Marie's breasts were small, what they lacked in size they made up for in sensitivity. Liam could make her squirm just as much by playing with her nipples as he could with two fingers curled inside her. Meeting Marie's heavy-lidded gaze, he bit down on her nipple just hard enough to elicit a hiss of pleasure and make her arch her back.

Then he traveled downward, his hands pulling at the waistband of her jeans as he trailed kisses down her soft, flat stomach. Once he had pulled them and her panties down far enough, he ran one finger across Marie's hairless, glistening slit.

"Fuck," Marie gasped, struggling to slide her remaining clothing off her legs, "Don't tease me, I'm wet enough, just fuck me."

Liam nodded, pulling Marie's jeans and underwear all the way off and then did the same for himself. He grabbed his wallet and took out one of the just-in-case condoms he carried around—he had been worried he might not need this one tonight. Liam tore open the packet, but Marie gabbed the latex from him and rolled it onto his cock. Meeting her eyes, Liam positioned himself and thrust into her. They both gasped, and Marie grabbed at the sheets. Liam forced himself to give Marie a moment to adjust, somehow restraining himself from thrusting further into Marie's hot, wet, tight pussy. Fuck, it was tight. Despite what Marie had said, Liam wouldn't believe she was wet enough for him to sink himself entirely within her with a single thrust unless she was literally dripping wet. He was only a little above average in both length and girth, but Marie was tiny. The first time they had had sex, she had woken up sore the next morning. Apparently impatient, Marie bucked her hips under him, and Liam thrust, sinking fully into her.

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