Part XLIII: I Miss You

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XLIII: Blake and Liam


Blake lay on her back, wearing only her thigh-high ninja socks, head in a wonderfully fuzzy state. Being in a post-fifth--maybe sixth--orgasm state was way better than being buzzed. She wiggled a bit to the background music she'd put on as she situated herself on her bed. Looking into the camera, she raked her fingers through her hair a few times, making sure it fell over her shoulder. After looking to the screen and back to the camera, Blake reached forward and adjusted it, making sure all the important parts were in the frame, then lay back against her stacked pillows. She reached down to stroke her bare pussy without really thinking about it, then stroked her hand up her stomach as she reached out with her toes, adjusting the camera just a bit more.

Finally satisfied, Blake grinned and moved her hand back to her pussy, mouthing the words to the song as she used her fingers to spread her pink lips for the camera. The ping of a tip coming in sounded and she Blake smiled. Rotating her hips a bit as she did so, making sure her pussy and ass were in full view, Blake continued to sing silently to herself and languorously rub her pussy. She alternated between firmly stroking her lips and spreading them--and showing off her trimmed fingernails, each painted a different color of the rainbow--as they grew slick with anticipation.

In what seemed like too rare of an occasion lately, Blake was feeling really good about herself. Teasing Liam over the past week and a half had been going great. They hadn't spent much time together outside of class or walks to-and-from them, but she'd gotten Liam to forget the tension between them a few times and slip back into actually talking with her a for a bit. Of course, as much as Blake had enjoyed those little slips, she'd used them to see how far she could push her teasing.

Liam hadn't asked her to stop, however. That was what mattered.

Blake's pussy twitched at the thought of him.

The frequent dates she was sure he'd gone out with Marie on--almost every other day from what Blake could tell by Marie's outfits and Liam's lack of texting--worried Blake, but she hadn't heard Liam come back with Marie after all of them. That had to mean something.

As she wrapped an arm under her leg, holding it up to make her asshole more visible, Blake remembered herself.

I can't think like that. Liam is going to choose me, because I'm better for him, and he's good enough to realize that. And I can rock his world in ways Marie's never even thought of without enlisting help from anyone else.

Blake put on a smile.

"Alright guys, what should I use for my next orgasm?" she asked, holding up her hand to the camera and wiggling her fingers, "Fingers? Should I use my fingers?"

As she continued to wiggle the fingers of one hand and rub slow circles on her pussy with the other, Blake made sure to keep her feet in the shot, even though they were covered. She wasn't really into that, but some people really were, and paid good money just for her to wiggle her toes at the camera while naked.

Suggestions and a few tips came in. This show had been pretty tame so far--nice and easy with steady tips and requests coming in. Her favorite kind of show--at least when they didn't drag on forever, and this one hadn't yet. It didn't hurt that someone had also complemented her fingernails.

"Alright, fingers it is," Blake announced after reading the comments.

She tapped her fingers on her pussy for a moment, then spread her lips again and her eyes darted to her image on the screen. Blake liked how pink her pussy always was. And the smoothness of the skin around it. So what if that was a little vain?

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