Part LXXVI: Why Don't You Just Ask?

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LXXVI: Liam and Blake

Liam couldn't help feeling just a bit awkward as he watched Blake set up her camera and laptop. She had six minutes left until her show began.

You were the one that asked to stay in here, idiot.

He'd been able to keep himself occupied while Blake got ready for her show--making her bed, arranging her pillows, doing her hair and make-up and picking out an outfit to start the show off. He'd offered to help, but she'd told him that getting ready for her show was part of what helped her concentrate and get in the right frame of mind. Though while choosing outfits, she'd admitted that she'd refused his help partially because she was worried she'd find a way to distract herself from getting ready. Now that she was almost there, however, Liam found that he didn't know what to do.

Does she want me to watch? Ignore her completely?

Liam didn't know if he could do either. The former would be hard to do without touching himself, and he didn't want to risk making her feel objectified by him--even subliminally. The latter...his headphones were noise-cancelling, but he didn't think his ears would be able to take the volume he'd have to turn his music to in order to block out Blake's noises completely.

Why don't you just ask her?

Liam blinked at the thought. It seemed so obvious, yet...scary. Just a little bit. He didn't know why.

He looked over at Blake. She wore a pair of lacy, lavender panties, and a thin, tight white T-shirt that her hard nipples tented. It had a little cartoon picture of a bra next to the sick and vomiting emoji's--one of the shirts someone had sent her, apparently. At the moment, she was on her bed, moving back and forth between the pillows and her laptop and adjusting the camera. Her hair was tousled, shiny and voluminous, and she had on minimal make-up save for some bright-red lipstick.

She's so beautiful.

"Blake?" he asked, then frowned at the hesitance in his voice.

She looked over at him, raising an eyebrow, "What's up?"

Liam hesitated a moment, feeling the heat in his cheeks, then voiced his concerns.

When he finished, Blake smiled. Liam didn't know if that was a good thing.

"Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are?" She asked, getting off the bed and walking over to one of her drawers.

Liam cleared his throat, "That doesn't exactly answer my question."

"I didn't promise to be accommodating," she said, sticking out her tongue as she turned toward him, an assortment of sex toys cradled in her arms.

Liam sighed.

Blake giggled, laying out the toys on a towel on one side of her bed. A wired keyboard connected to the laptop lay on the other side, "Oh, hush. Honestly, dude, if you're turned-on enough that you feel the need to whip out your dick, I'm not going to stop you. I'd do the same thing if our positions were reversed."

Liam blinked, "You would?"

Blake turned to him, raising an eyebrow. She strode over to him, hips swaying. His cock twitched at the sight, hardening.

She has to be doing that on purpose.

Once in front of him, Blake rested her fingertips on his bare chest. He still wore pants, but Blake had asked him to leave his shirt off.

"If you get to look, why shouldn't I?"

Blake leaned down, and without even thinking, Liam leaned into the kiss. One hand cupped her face, the other went to her hips, pulling her closer. Blake's hands roved over his chest, occasionally squeezing his muscles. When she broke the kiss, Liam's heart pounded in his chest. His cock strained against the fabric of his pants, and his head felt a bit foggy. Her lips brushed against his ear, breath hot as she spoke, voice breathy.

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