Part LV: Stupid Fucking Rules

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LV: Liam and Blake


Liam grinned as he watched Blake play videogames with his roommates. He was sitting out this round, as he'd gotten the lowest score last time. Blake had given him as much shit for that as his roommates had, which oddly, he liked. He also liked that she seemed to feel comfortable here, with him and his roommates. He hadn't missed the way that she'd pulled off her beanie, letting her hair fall free, the moment Liam had closed the door behind them. Looking Blake up and down, Liam leaned back in his chair--Blake was standing at the moment, knees bent, ass out. He wasn't sure if that was on purpose or not. He wouldn't put it past Blake, but she seemed pretty focused on the game.

We're really together now.

That still didn't entirely seem real. Liam hadn't even kissed Blake yet, but every time she looked at him...

Liam shivered, remembering even the look she'd given him when he handed her the controller. He knew she wanted him. He couldn't remember being so confident in that with any other girl. They hadn't given each other any labels yet, but...

You're mine.

Liam shook his head. She expected him to be the one with self-control after telling him that?

He was a little disappointed at Blake's request for a date before they had sex, but he would happily undertake it. He'd gone out on dates with Marie, but they'd already been hooking up for a while, and most of their dates before the summer had just been to the movies or grabbing a bite to eat.

Liam couldn't remember Blake ever mentioning a previous boyfriend, so he imagined she hadn't had a date like she'd asked him for either.

Thankfully, he'd found just the thing to fit Blake's requirements for a date. He knew she would like the restaurant, but he was a little nervous about what he had planned after that. It was definitely more his kind of thing, but he hoped it was something he could share with her.

"Ha!" Blake cheered, jumping as she pumped a fist in the air. Liam shook himself back to reality, hiding a smile as Blake glanced over at his roommates, hands on hips, "I thought you guys said you were supposed to be good."

"This is bullshit," Eli said, "Liam, your girl hustled us."

Liam snorted, "You're just saying that because you lost."

"Maybe," Eli said, "But I'm pretty sure we deserve a rematch. Right, Swar?"

Swar nodded, "Yep, now that we know what we're up against, we need a chance to prove ourselves."

Blake raised an eyebrow, looking between the two, "So you guys were just going easy on me?"

Liam laughed as Swar went red in the face, sure that Eli looked the same.

"We weren't going super easy on you," Swar said, "Just as easy as we go on Liam."

"Yeah," Eli chimed in, "Liam kind of sucks, so can you really blame us for thinking you'd be much better?"

Blake grinned, glancing over at Liam. He would be the one to switch with Eli if they didn't do a rematch.

Liam just rolled his eyes, pushing himself up from the chair, "Just play your rematch. I'm gonna take a shower. You guys mind if Blake stays over, by the way?"

"Dude," Swar said, "If you're gonna sexile us, you should at least give us a bit more warning."

"Nope," Blake said, shaking her head, "There will be no sexiling, as there will be no sex. I came over here instead of bringing Liam back to my place specifically so that there would be no funny business."

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