Part XX: Lesser of Two Evils

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XX: Blake

Blake sank to the floor, heart racing as she closed the door behind her. She grunted when the floor reminded her how tender her ass cheeks were.

Her pussy was on fire, her head clouded, and her body felt all tingly. Some clinical part of her mind knew she was overly aroused—her previous orgasms today had apparently heightened that instead of subduing or satiating it—but most of Blake just felt scared. After feeling Liam's hard cock pressed against her stomach--feeling exactly how big and hard it was--she'd wanted to follow him and Marie into Marie's room to see if they would kick her out or let her watch. Maybe invite her to join them. Even now she wanted to go back over and listen against the door.

Blake barked a bitter laugh. And she'd thought smacking his ass had been going a bit too far.

As Blake rose from the floor on unsteady legs, steadying herself against the door, that clinical part of her told her she needed to make herself cum hard before she became so horny that arousal overrode any sense of shame she had, and she acted on her impulses. She also knew her pussy wouldn't be let her fall asleep until she satiated it.

Unwrapping the towel from around her chest, Blake wound it around her hair and climbed onto her bed before leaning over to look through her sex drawer. She considered a few dildos and vibrators but decided against it as she came to a conclusion about what had the highest chance of quieting her needy pussy.

Blake grabbed one of her plugs—not too big, but big enough to give her ass that wonderful feeling of being filled—and ran it back and forth over her slick lower lips, mewling and squirming on the bed at the sensations that spiderwebbed out all over her body, tingling just beneath her skin. She dipped it in tentatively a few times before seating it all the way in her folds, gasping as the widest part of the plug slipped inside, and twisted it around, making sure it was completely covered in her juices. With a plug of that size, the feeling of it in her pussy was odd. It felt good, stretching her ever so slightly, but the shape just wasn't right. When she pulled it out to check, a grin tugged at Blake's lips at how wet she'd made it. Spreading her legs, she swirled the plugs wet tip around the puckered ring of her asshole. Her small perma-gape had grown a bit, the muscles relaxing with her arousal, and Blake met little resistance as she pressed the plug against that ring. She moaned as the plug stretched her out, opening her up wider and wider, to the point of light pain at the widest part, then hungrily pulled the plug all the way in as it closed around the base.

"Fuck," Blake gasped, vision fuzzing even from that as she laid back on her bed, shifting until she was comfortable on top of her blankets, legs spread to give her easy access to what lay between.

For a brief moment, Blake hesitated, not sure how she would feel about what she wanted to do when this haze of arousal finally left her.

As the impulse to go back over to Marie's room rose up in her head once more though, Blake pushed back her reservations. She didn't really have any good options at this point. Not good ones, anyway, and this was definitely the lesser of two evils.

Closing her eyes, Blake let her hands wander over her body. In the blackness of her thoughts, her hands became Liam's.

He took his time exploring her body, not palming or groping at her, but merely running his fingertips over her skin, still damp from the shower she'd taken to make sure she was all clean for him. This was the first time she'd knowingly let herself be naked in front of him, and neither of them was in any rush. He'd seen her spank herself, fuck herself silly, pound dildos and vibrators into all three of her holes, yet he ran his fingers over her as though she were made of porcelain. It had been so long since anyone had touched her like that.

Neither spoke, but Liam smiled down at her, eyes so warm and comforting, making her feel safe as always. She could let herself bare everything to him because those eyes told her that she wouldn't regret doing so.

Liam's fingers ghosting over her skin elicited desperate gasps and mewls from Blake. She so desperately wanted him inside her, wanted to feel him stretched her out so she could squeeze and milk him with her pussy—every brush of his fingertips against her skin enflamed that desire—but they both wanted to take things slow.

He switched to brushing his knuckles and running his palms over her then, touching her jaw, her neck, her stomach and hips, tantalizingly avoiding her breasts and her pussy. He touched her until those pleasure centers ached with the need to be touched. She whimpered, and in her mind, Liam chuckled at her frustration, moving to kneel on the bed beside her, looming over her as she lay stretched out like a buffet for his pleasure.

He finally moved to her breasts, caressing the soft mounds of flesh; brushing, squeezing and massaging them ever so lightly. His fingers made circles around her nipples, tracing the puckered skin of her areolas before his thumbs brushed over the tightened nubs, making her hiss in pleasure. He used those nubs to toy with her, flicking, rubbing, tweaking, then withdrawing his digits to caress the flesh surrounding them. He fell into a tantalizing rhythm, building up pleasure and then releasing it, relaxing her. 

Blake whimpered when one hand finally trailed down over her stomach to her mound, exerting a light pressure on the flesh there, tickling at the sensitive flesh before moving lower and running splayed fingers over her lips. His other hand followed soon after, tracing the folds as though they were delicate petals. Blake swore at how good his touch felt on her slick lips; her needy pussy was sopping wet as it ached for his touch. His fingers danced about her opening, petting her lips and folds, circling her clit, teasing her until she growled. Then he ran two fingers from the base of her slit all the way up to her clip, pressing down firmly on her folds. Blake moaned and shuddered at the direct contact, and found herself gasping, mouth working silently when his fingers finally dipped inside. Her ass clenched around the plug that stretched her insides, making her wet tunnel even tighter around his fingers. Finally feeling Liam inside her—even just his fingertips—with him gazing down at her like that, was so deliciously intimate, it sparked a fire that threatened to consume Blake.

Liam dipped his fingers in and out a few times, stroking her slick walls with his long fingers, exploring her depths. Then he curled his fingers against her upper wall. Blake's face turned bright red as she squeaked at the contact, the bundle of nerves just beneath the slick flesh lighting up with pleasure. Liam's other hand snaked down across her stomach, sending shivers throughout her body, and joined his other hand at her pussy, those fingers going to her clit as the ones inside her continued to curl and create such delicious pleasure within her. The fingers at her clit pulled aside the folds that hid the little button, exposing it to the air, and began rubbing circles around it, adding to the fire building in Blake's core.

Her first orgasm came almost too quickly, surprising her, but leaving her squirming and gasping for air, but Liam didn't let up. Blake had to turn her head and bit at her pillow, whimpering as he continued stimulating her as the waves of her orgasm rose and crashed over her repeatedly. His attentions were relentless, bringing her up and down, playing off of how her body squeezed the huge plug in her ass, teasing her to her next orgasm. Liam's relentless attentions ripped moans, growls, and half-screams from Blake's throat as pleasure overwhelmed her. Her vision, time, perception fuzzed as pleasure consumed her.

Blake came back to reality eventually, body still buzzing with the aftershocks of her orgasms. She'd lost count of how many. Her ass was a bit sore, so she took the plug out despite the slight empty feeling that always followed. She didn't exactly feel guilty over her fantasy. If anything, she felt strangely...determined. Blake would give herself one more chance, maybe two, to see if she could get over Liam as an object of her sexual fantasies, but part of her knew they would be futile. Exhaustion had long since set in, muddling her thoughts, but just before sleep took her, one more floated across her mind in regard to her annoyingly sexy friend.

I'm so fucked.

A/N: Have you ever had it this bad for a friend or a friend's SO? Blake is going to have to do something about this sooner or later. What do you think she'll do? 

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