Part XIX: All Warmed Up

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XIX: Liam

Liam laid in bed with a very hesitant boner tenting his boxers. He hadn't been able to stop his mind from racing once he left the bathroom, and when he heard the shower turn on with Marie still in there, he'd hurriedly shut himself in Marie's room and stripped down to his boxers before the tightness in his pants became painful. He wanted to jack off at the images permeating his mind, yet he didn't want to have trouble getting hard when Marie finally came out of the shower.

The anticipation of that both excited and confused him.

Blake was his friend. She was hot, and he had seen her naked and fucking herself in all sorts of ways, yet he had made a very concentrated effort to try not to think of her that way, failing only when she made a point of teasing him.

Thinking of her and Marie together in the shower, naked soapy bodies sliding against each other...

He felt as though he'd explode without even touching himself by the time the water shut off.

He heard some muffled giggling after the bathroom door closed and thought about stripping off his boxers so Marie would hopefully want to jump him as soon as she closed the door. He didn't think he'd last too long.

He was glad he hadn't, however, when Marie knocked, asking him to help open the door.

His eyes bulged as he opened the door to both Marie and Blake, each wrapped only in towels, wet hair dripping down their backs. Both their eyes met his, then went straight down to his pelvis.

"Ha! I knew it!" Marie giggled. Blake's cheeks went red, but she didn't look away. Her eyes seemed bigger, if anything as she stifled a giggle. Then she looked to Marie, "I think he's definitely ready for you, dude."

Marie walked past him into the room, grinning, but when Liam made to follow, he grunted as Blake threw her arms around his middle. He was acutely aware of his dick pressing hard against her stomach.

"I owed you a hug," she said, "You're a good friend."

Then she released him and spun him around before slapping his ass, "Now go fuck your girlfriend—she's all warmed up!"

Liam's eyes widened at that, but before he could turn back to Blake, she shut the door behind him. When he turned his attention back to Marie, he swallowed hard. She sat on the bed, legs spread, towel off.

"What—" Liam began, then licked his lips, "What did she mean by warmed up?"

Marie grinned, "She means we made sure I was all nice and clean for you, since you were nice enough to wait up for me. Now come here."

Liam was walking forward before he fully processed Marie's words. When he made to push her back on the bed, however, she shook her head and put her hands on his shoulders, pressing down until he knelt on the floor beside the bed, face level with her clean, dripping pussy.

"Is Blake okay?"

Liam blinked at the question, and looked up at his girlfriend as she tangled her fingers in his hair, "What do you mean?"

"She gave me a hug when we were done showering and told me how lucky I was to have you and how grateful she was that I'm not as jealous anymore since you're such a good friend to her."

Liam had to shake his head to temporarily clear it of thoughts of his friend and girlfriend showering. Despite that, Liam didn't know how much Blake would feel comfortable with him sharing, "She had a rough day, but she seemed to be doing better after we talked."

Marie smiled then, and lean down to kiss him hungrily, "You're the best."

Then she tugged his face toward her pussy, "I want you to eat me out before I fuck you. You're probably not going to last too long, are you?"

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