Part XXXVII: Asshole

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As the loud, pounding club music thrummed through Blake--she now knew that the music that had been playing for the past few songs was considered Deep House thanks to...a person who would remain unnamed even in her mind tonight--she remembered why she hated going to clubs. Ones that weren't gay clubs, at least.

Bijoux was one of the nicer places in the city--she'd actually needed to use her fake to get in--but she had already been creeped on by far too many douchebags. That was basically what she was looking for tonight--someone hot and confident who would hopefully make her see stars--but she hoped to find one that was only kind of a douche.

Chloe and her friends Jenna and Nicole danced nearby, but each of them had found a dance partner already.

Blake didn't let herself think about that, instead she just closed her eyes and let her body sway with the music. She'd never much understood dance as an art form, but thanks to—to someone who she would not think about tonight, Blake knew that it was likely just due to a lack of understanding, as her newfound musical tastes evidenced. She'd always found it impressive and pretty to watch most of the time, yet she didn't get what made one dance better or more emotional than another unless the dancer was very clearly unskilled.

Yet Blake had always found dancing freeing. Not performing, but just listening to music and letting her body move as it pleased, as she did now.

Blake frowned when a pair of large hands closed around her hips, rough denim pressing against her ass through the thin fabric of her dress, yet she gave little sign that she noticed her new partner other than subtly adjusting the rhythm of her hips to fit his own. She opened her eyes, however, glancing between Chloe and her friends to try and catch one's eye.

Given Blake's and Jenna's expressed purposes for going out tonight, they had all show each other pictures of their respective preferred types of boys.

She ended up catching Nicole's eye, and the girl grinned, nodding at Blake.

Encouraged that she was dancing with someone attractive, Blake started grinding her hips a bit more insistently, leaning back against his chest as she moved to the throbbing beat. Though the guy was confident enough to just to come up to her and start dancing, he hadn't tried to grope her yet, which was a definite plus.

The feminist, progressive part of Blake's mind grumbled that not being groped should be the standard rather than a plus, even when going out to a club. The horny part of Blake's mind, along with some help from her pussy, said fuck that. For tonight, at least.

Her pussy wasn't as insistent as it had been the past few times Blake had gone out to clubs, or at least it didn't seem so. A part of that might have been due to the much lesser amount of alcohol currently in her system, though she worried that another part was simply that she had gotten used to dealing with and ignoring her pussy's needs. She wasn't sure she liked the implications of that.

Regardless, her pussy was currently enjoying itself despite its general level of yelling at Blake to stick a dick inside of it. She felt herself growing wetter as a good-sized bulge started to press against her ass through the guy's jeans. She let herself enjoy it, moving with the music as the DJ cycled through songs.

"I'm Alex," he said, after a few songs, breath hot on her neck.

Blake figured that now was as good a time as any to see what Alex looked like. She spun around, looking up, and smiled, nodding approvingly.

The dim lighting didn't allow Blake to see definitively, but she thought he had light green eyes, maybe hazel. His hair was black, styled in a manner the more metrosexual guys in the area usually went for, but it worked with his angular features and clean-shaven face.

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