Part X: Private Dance for a Fan

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X: Blake

Blake sat with Chloe in their corner booth, nursing her drink—just a cherry coke, as she had forgotten her fake, not that it worked very often—as she stared absently at all the people writhing on the dance floor. She and Chloe had only arrived a short time ago, and she wasn't in the mood to dance just yet.

"So why did you want to come out tonight if all you're going to do is sit there and space out?" Chloe asked, breaking Blake out of her trance.

Blake turned and stuck her tongue out at her friend. Part of the reason Blake had been staring at the dance floor was so Chloe didn't catch Blake staring at her. She wasn't head over heels or anything for the older girl or anything, but Chloe was Blake's type to a 'T'. Both were athletic, but where Blake was slim and girlish, Chloe was curvy and womanly. Her big, soft tits were the perfect size, and Chloe's outfit displayed a generous amount of the pillowy flesh while managing to make them look two cup-sizes bigger than they were at the same time.

"I've had some shit on my mind for the past few weeks," Blake admitted, "The past few months, actually—that's why I called. I needed to talk, and I needed to get out of my apartment tonight."

"Tonight?" Chloe asked, raising an eyebrow, "Why tonight?"

"You're annoyingly perceptive, you know that?" Blake said, glaring at her friend.

"I do," Chloe said smugly, "Why tonight?"

"Because Marie and her boyfriend are going to be fucking all night and I have a feeling they're going to be pretty loud."

"And, little miss headphone gamer girl, that is an issue because...?"

Blake bit her lip, almost drawing blood before she finally sighed. She had never said it out loud before, "Because I want to fuck him."

Chloe raised an eyebrow, studying Blake, then her eyes widened and a wide grin spread across her face, "Oh shit! You don't just want to fuck him, do you? You actually like this guy!"

Blake held her tongue for a moment, then sighed in defeat, "Yeah, I do. And it fucking sucks. He's sweet and cute and really hot, and thanks to Marie I know he has a pretty great cock, and—"

"Whoa, whoa, hold up," Chloe said, raising a hand, "Marie told you about her boyfriend's junk? From what you've told me about that girl, that does not sound like her at all."

Blake shrugged nervously, "Well...I kind of helped her along."

Chloe stared at her with a blank expression, "Okay, start from the beginning."

"Well," Blake began, "Liam came over for the first time about two months ago, and that was the first time either of us met. We were talking and waiting for Marie to get back with some food when he let slip that he'd seen my show—"

Chloe almost spat out her drink, "Wait, he's seen your show? I mean—that's not really that surprising, but still. I think I would have a hard time wrapping my head around that if something like that happened to me."

Chloe knew that Blake cammed, and had actually helped her get started. The one-time she had broken her rule about their initial hook up being a one time thing had been when she invited Blake onto her show—which did about as well as Blake's was doing now—and had advertised several times that Blake had her own show. The condition had been that they coordinated their schedules and tried not to overlap so they didn't steal fans from each other and could occasionally mod each other's shows, which Blake had thought was more than fair.

"Yeah," Blake said, "I still haven't figured out exactly what I think about the whole thing."

"Does Marie know her that her boyfriend has seen you fuck yourself silly on at least one occasion?" Chloe asked.

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