Part XXXIX: Blake Was Home, Not Marie

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XXXIX: Liam and Blake

Liam yawned as he lay back Marie's bed, reading as he waited for her. Being productive had worked for a while, but his brain had started getting tired, so he'd decided to see if he could finish the book he was reading before she got back. He still had about fifty pages or so. When he'd started the trilogy on a friend's recommendation, he hadn't been too sure about it. Now, he was enthralled to the point that a sudden noise from beyond Marie's door both surprised and annoyed him a bit. He supposed he shouldn't be annoyed at the prospect his girlfriend returning home to have a threesome—maybe even a foursome—with him, but it was a good book.

Liam set his phone on Marie's nightstand, plugging it in to charge, then waited. He immediately felt awkward. He was dressed in jeans and a long-sleeve T-shirt. Comfy, but still kind of nice. Should he be dressed better? Like he'd been when he first met the two girls at the frat party? Would they care? They had all seen each other naked, after all.

Liam felt his cock stir at the thought. Not for the first time, he wished he'd gone for sweats instead of jeans.

Liam's cock twitched again at a loud moan from the main room.

Are they starting without me?

He supposed they probably had started at least a bit at whatever sorority event they had come from, so if they were continuing or starting up again now that they were in relative privacy, he supposed he couldn't blame them.

After the noises continued for a few minutes, rising in volume and arousing effect they had on his cock, Liam grew curious. He rose from the bed, stepping carefully to the door. He peeked out into the main room but saw no one.

Liam frowned. The noises were definitely louder out here and coming from at least two girls.

Did they just stop in the entrance?

He crossed the main room to go peek into short entry hall, glancing at Blake's room as he passed. The door was—

Liam stopped dead, eyes threatening to pop out of his head. His face grew red-hot and his cock rock hard. His jeans suddenly became very uncomfortable.

Blake was home, it turned out. Not Marie.

The noises came from Blake's room. The lighting was dim, but Liam saw Blake's pale skin and blue hair tangled with the dark skin and hair of a taller, curvier girl. Both were completely naked, though Blake wore the same heels she'd had on earlier when she left.

Liam's blue-haired friend lay on her back writhing and moaning as the darker girl—she looked familiar for some reason, though Liam couldn't see her face—sucked and kissed Blake's small, pert breasts, fingers working between Blake's legs.

"Oh, fuck," Blake half-moaned, half-whimpered, "Fuck yes. Don't stop. Please don't stop, Chlo. Please. I'm—"

Chlo? Wait, is that her friend Chloe?

Liam didn't know why, but that realization seemed to jerk him out of his shocked trance. He almost ran back across the main room, Blake's moans following him, rising higher and higher in pitch. He carefully closed the door to Marie's room behind him just as Blake shrieked from the other room. Liam sat down on Marie's bed, head in his hands. He was quite certain he'd just heard his friend cum. Really hard.

Fuck, how long did I look for. It couldn't have been too long, right?

Liam reached for his phone, almost knocking it onto the floor with nervous fingers. He frowned at the time, trying to remember what the display had read when he first heard the door.

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