Part XXII: Just Taking Care of Ourselves

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XXII: Blake

A few hours later, Blake found herself relaxing on her bed in a fresh pair of silk panties, sweaty dress and underwear discarded in a pile on the floor with Marie's. Blake's blonde roommate lay perpendicular to her, towel-wrapped head on Blake's belly. They'd decided to spend the night in Blake's room together, as Marie missed having someone to cuddle up to, and Blake couldn't deny that she did as well.

"I can't believe you had a plug in that whole time," Marie remarked for the second time since they had gotten out of the shower.

Blake snorted, wiggling her hips, "Still do, remember? I've got a show tomorrow."

She laughed as Marie's face went red. A moment later, Marie shifted on the bed, propping her head up with one elbow as she snuggled next to Blake.

"How big is it?"

Blake raised an eyebrow, then giggled at how red her roommate's cheeks still were. She held up her forefingers a little less than two inches apart, "That wide," she widened them another inch, "And about that long."

She laughed when Marie's eyes widened, "Fuck."

"Oh, come on," Blake said, giving her friend a flat look, "I caught you practicing, remember? It's not that much bigger around than your boyfriend's cock, and the clenching shaft is like a half-inch around, so it's not stretching me that wide the whole time I have it in.."

Blake's eyes widened when she realized what she'd said, and her hands flew to her mouth, "Sorry."

This time Marie laughed, "It's okay. I guess you're right though. It feels so good, but I'm always a little sore the day after when I have Liam fuck my ass."

Images of Liam's cock disappearing into a tight, lubed up asshole formed a lump in Blake's throat. She could feel herself get noticeably wetter at the idea of that being her own asshole squeezing his length.

She cleared her throat, "Um, no Liam talk while I'm still tipsy and horny. I like teasing him, but I try not to think about him like that."

"Sorry," Marie chuckled, free hand falling down to Blake's middle. Blake's eyes followed the hand as it moved lazily over her stomach, fingertips creating tingling trails in their wake. Her eyes moved back up to Marie's and she found her friend smirking.


"You're still horny?"


Blake stuck out her tongue, "Shut up."

Marie just smirked in response, shrugging, "You can take care of yourself if you want to. I don't mind."

Blake's eyes widened, "Marie!"

"What?" Marie said, grinning, "You have done it before."

Blake's eyes widened further before she realized what Marie was getting at.

"That's different," she protested, "I was doing a show."

Marie raised an eyebrow, "One that you invited me into your room for and told me to watch."

Blake felt her body heat up at the memory of that show, remembering how she had fucked herself in both holes while Marie watched and fingered herself. Blake couldn't help but squirm, and a lump caught in her throat when she caught a twinkle of something in her friend's gaze.

"Fine," Blake relented, "I guess it wasn't that different, but I can't just do that right now! I was already super horny and in the mood and stuff."

"You just said you were horny."

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