Part XXVII: I Don't Know What I Feel

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Liam flinched when he heard the main door to Marie's dorm open. His heart began to pound in his chest again. Over the past few hours, he'd alternated between pacing around the small room and sitting on the bed, head in his hands. When Blake had first told him, everything around Liam had fuzzed, not really existing to him anymore. He couldn't even remember what had run through his mind at that point. Once he came back to reality, Liam's instinct had been to go back to his dorm. There, at least, he could distract himself with video games or composing if he tried hard enough. Instead, he had shut himself in Marie's room, forcing himself to remain there save for the few minutes when he'd stepped out to use the restroom and then showered when he caught a whiff of himself. He'd left his phone on her nightstand and made sure not to touch it. He didn't want talk to anyone else until he had a chance to talk to Marie about this in person. He knew he had a tendency to overshare sometimes, and If this was all just a misunderstanding, he didn't want color Marie in a bad light to any of his friends.

Liam had wanted to believe that it was just a misunderstanding, and it had taken him an hour to stop deluding himself.

Blake wasn't the type of person to make something like that up, and he had seen how worried she had been when telling him...Hell, she had looked frightened of him. That had hurt just as much as her words.

Even after over three hours, Liam still didn't entirely know what to think. On the one hand, Marie had had sex with someone else, and she hadn't told him about it. On the other hand, that someone was a girl, and it was Blake.

The betrayal of his trust made Liam feel angry, but the who...that just made Liam confused. His mind had drifted back more than a few times to the night a few weeks back where Marie and Blake had showered together. Blake hadn't mentioned that, but had it started then? Had they done something else?

Despite his best efforts, fantasies of Blake still slipped into his thoughts now and then. It had been so easy to push those back once he'd had gotten to know her. He'd just felt weird about it, regardless of how she loved to tease him and how incredible she always managed to look. He had stopped watching her shows soon after they had met, and avoided any media posted about her online. After she and Marie had showered together, say it had been difficult to keep her out of his thoughts would be an enormous understatement. Marie hadn't exactly helped that night. If anything, she'd seemed to like the idea, of which he now had copious confirmation.

Imagining her and Blake together, knowing that it had actually happened, made Liam far more aroused than angry, yet it made him feel guilty. He wasn't supposed to think of Blake that way. It had been just common decency at first, but after they'd talked, Liam had resolved to never be the one to make her feel ashamed of what she did, or like he was looking at her as something less than a person.

As he listened to Marie make her way through the apartment toward her room, Liam tried to think of something to say, but when she opened the door, he had nothing. He just looked up at her.

Marie smiled at him as she came into the dimly lit room, and Liam could tell by her smile and her walk that she was a little buzzed. Less than ideal for what needed to happen but putting it off would only make things worse. Marie's smile disappeared immediately when she met his eyes, robbing him of the choice to delay.

"Liam, what's wrong?" She closed the door behind her and crossed the room to take his head in her hands, "What happened?"

Swallowing, Liam stood and met his girlfriend's gaze, "I know you had sex with Blake, Marie."

Marie flinched as if he had slapped her. She took a step back, but didn't deny it, so Liam continued, "Blake told me what happened, but I want to hear your side of it."

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