Part LXXII: I'm Not Dreaming, Am I?

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LXXII: Blake

Blake felt hot. Hazy. Not in a bad way, though. She was so relaxed, a low, slow pulse of wonderful pleasure radiated through her entire body.

Mmm, I must be dreaming.

Despite that realization, the dream didn't suddenly vanish. Nor did it give Blake full control over her body, however. She felt sluggish, weighed down. But it was so wonderful. Like she'd fallen asleep under a big heavy blanket.

That must be why I'm so warm.

Her eyes fluttered open to reveal a dimly lit room. Her room--she thought so, at least. Her mind didn't give the thought enough purchase for confirmation. The wonderful sensations coursing through her made her mind just as slippery as it did hazy. Thoughts flitted through her mind, only just registering enough for Blake to notice them before they slipped away.

Even if her mind hadn't been so slippery, Blake quickly became far too focused on the person between her legs for anything else to matter.

Blake felt a grin split her face as she pressed her head back into the pillows, enjoying the gentle caresses of his tongue on, between and around her lower lips.

Oh, fuck, yes. Best dream, ever.

Liam wasn't eating her out like he had after getting home from their date, where he'd practically attacked her pussy with his mouth the way she'd attacked pretty much everything he'd cooked for her so far. Instead, he touched it almost lazily, moving his lips against her pussy. He would suck one of her lips, or both into his mouth, then press his tongue between her folds. When he went near her clit, he almost seemed playful, just kissing it or caressing it with his tongue in a manner that made Blake's heavy fingers curl, digging at the sheets.

She wanted to tangle those fingers in his short hair, but the pleasure pulsing from her pussy weighed her down too much for her to lift either arm.

As Liam continued his teasing, Blake's heart raced faster, her chest rising and falling further with each breath. She surprised herself when a mewl slipped from her lips. Then a gasp. Liam chuckled. Her pussy turned those vibrations into shivers and thin tendrils of pleasure that coursed through her, coaxing a moan from her lips.

Her noises seemed to encourage Liam. He became less lazy in his teasing. More focused. It was still teasing, though.

Blake could feel the difference even in her semi-conscious, dreamy state. It caused her pulse to roar in her ears. Her body grew hotter, more receptive to Liam's touches. More desperate for them.

Blake had no idea how long that went on for. Long enough to fry her mind at the very least. That worked for her, however, as suddenly she found the strength and will to reach forward and take Liam's head in her hands.

He looked up and met her gaze, blue eyes glazed over with arousal.

"Fuck me," she begged tugging at his hair, "Please, I—Oh!"

Liam went lower.

His tongue traced a line down Blake's folds, making them twitch, but instead of stopping at the bottom to go back up, his tongue continued down over smooth skin, then puckered skin. Blake's eyes fluttered closed again. She wanted to say something. To tell Liam he didn't have to do that. To tell him to ram his tongue into her asshole. Her mouth no longer worked, however. All she could do was moan as Liam's tongue explored her asshole. His fingertips seemed to spark with electricity as he spread her cheeks, pushing her hips up for easier access.

Fuck, his tongue feels sooo good.

It was so wonderfully hot and wet against her asshole. Liam teased the edges, prodding and licking, even sucking on the puckered skin a few times. Then the flat of his broad, wet tongue pressed against her starfish. Liam's tongue began to melt Blake's mind as he licked her again and again, prodding at the tight ring of muscles.

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