Part LXVIII: This Time, I Fuck You

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Liam smiled down at Blake, stroking her blue hair as she cuddled up against him. She wasn't sleeping, instead seeming content to just lie here with him as he held her. That he was still inside her, if flagging a bit, might have had something to do with it. Liam was used to pulling out to go clean himself off after sex, but Blake had clung to him, growling a bit when he'd tried to do so without even thinking about it. He was fine with it, especially the little gasps and moans that slipped from her lips when his cock twitched inside her. The way she twitched in his arms, nails digging into his chest and shoulders a bit didn't hurt either.

He brushed his lips against Blake's forehead, letting the kiss linger for a moment before returning to running his fingers through her hair. He didn't know why he did that. It just felt right.

At least I know she likes it.

Goosebumps had broken out on her arms, and Liam thought he'd felt her shiver like she had a few times earlier when he'd been kissing her neck.

Was she just super turned on from touching herself while I was in the bathroom? Or does kissing her neck and biting her ear really—

"Fuck!" Liam hissed.

Blake cackled against his chest.

"That's not fair."

Blake peered up at him, grinning, "Oh? So I shouldn't do this again?"

Liam hissed again as Blake punctuated her words by squeezing his cock again with her internal muscles. Even half-hard as he was, he was big enough to still be relatively snug inside Blake's pussy.

Fuck, she's incredible.

Liam moaned when Blake squeezed him again, "No, no. That—" she did it again, "Fuck, that feels good."

Blake cackled again, snuggling closer. Liam half expected her to start purring.

"Do you have anything to do today before our date?"

Blake shook her head, "I moved everything last night. Didn't want to have anything distracting me today."

Liam smiled, but raised an eyebrow, "Not even a show?"

"Moved it to tomorrow. I figured me being out of the kitchen is probably better for everyone."

Liam laughed, "Oh I don't know, there's lots of chopping and stuff I could have you do."

Blake gave him a flat look, "You obviously haven't seen me try to use a knife."

"Fair enough."

Liam smiled at Blake, just looking at her for a bit, then, sighed, "I don't wanna get up, but we should probably clean up before things get gross down there."

Surprisingly, Blake grinned at him, "Then don't get up."

Blake pushed herself back, and both of them moaned as Liam's cock slipped out of Blake's pussy. She smiled at him, then gently pressing against his chest so that he rolled over onto his back. Then she backed up on her hands and knees until her head was level with his hips. She met his eyes, then gripped his cock, slick with her juices.

Liam hissed as her lips closed around the head. Her mouth was so hot and wet.

Fuck, her tongue feels good.

Liam's hips bucked as Blake took him all the way into her mouth.

Normally, the sensations would have made Liam's eyes shut by reflex, but he couldn't tear his gaze from Blake. She shot him a smug grin with her own eyes as she sucked on his cock, tongue flicking at the shaft, then giving long, firm licks within her mouth. Liam had always felt a bit weird using the word "sexy" even in his mind, yet it was the only word he could think of to describe Blake at the moment. The way her eyes smoldered yet at the same time twinkled with satisfaction as she cleaned his cock of her juices and his cum. Her round ass, wiggling up in the air behind her, drew a few glances from him, but only for brief moments. Blake's eyes held him captive.

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