Part XXXIII: That Bitch!

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Blake was not okay.

She lay on her bed, spacing out, trying to will herself to sleep. It wasn't that late but being awake had sucked since Saturday.

Sleep hasn't helped too much either.

Zoning out to that fantasy on Tuesday hadn't helped either.

Two more days had passed since she'd seen Liam and Marie come back with some random girl. She'd caught Liam's gaze that night, and still she hadn't heard from him. She hadn't seen him this morning in her Thursday class, and Monday and Tuesday he hadn't sat with her like usual.

With a heavy sigh, Blake rolled over onto her stomach, grimacing when she had to adjust her long T-shirt when it bunched up under her. A faint shine from across her room on the floor caught Blake's gaze and she buried her face in her pillows with a groan.

I thought I got all of them.

When talking with Chloe hadn't helped Blake deal with her Liam problem, she'd thought drinking herself to sleep might make her feel better. It had been a while since she had done that. Blake had brought the shot glass to her lips, then thrown it across the room with a sob when she remembered why it had been so long.

The glass shattered against the wall. Blake had just curled up and cried silent tears. Drinking was fine. Just not like that.

Extricating herself from her pillows, Blake reached for her phone. Half to find some music to zone out to, half in the hopes that Liam had texted or called her, and she just hadn't noticed. Of course, there was nothing.

Before she even had a chance to open up her music, a knock at the Blake's door perked her up.


Blake knew how ridiculous it was. She couldn't help the thought from popping into her head. Rising from her bed, Blake threw a blanket around her shoulders and went to the door. She hesitated for a moment, scared of what Liam might say or how he might look at her despite the excitement.

When she opened the door and found Marie, Blake felt more disappointed than relieved.

"Hey," Marie said, "Can we talk?"

Blake nodded slowly, leaning against the doorframe, "What's up?"

Marie bit her lip for a moment, "I want to make sure we're good. I know things got a little weird between us for a while..."

She trailed off, eyes looking to Blake for help.

"We're good, Marie," Blake said. It wasn't necessarily a lie. Blake's problems were her own. Marie hadn't done anything she needed to apologize to Blake for, "You're not the first good friend I've slept with, and Chloe and I have managed to keep to our rules pretty well."

Taking a deep breath, Blake extended a hand to the blonde, "Just friends, no sex?"

To Blake's surprise, Marie bit her lip again for a moment before wetting it, eyes taking on a nervous cast.

"About that," Marie said, "I know Liam hasn't really been over much except at night lately. Are you two okay?"

Blake's shoulders sagged, "Honestly, I don't know. I haven't seen or heard from him this week."

Marie frowned, "I'm sorry. I didn't tell him to stay away from you or anything. If he's mad at you, I can talk to him."

"Thank you, Marie. I didn't think you would have. I don't even know if he is mad though. "

"On that, though," Marie began, "I wanted to try and help that along and do something nice to Liam..."

Blake raised an eyebrow, "What do you have in mind?"

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