Part XXX: Now You Do Me

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XXX: Blake

"Now you do me."

Liam blinked, swallowing and clearing his throat. He didn't object, though. Blake switched places with him so that she no longer stood under the water, and leaned against the shower wall, moving her hair out of the way so it fell over her shoulder.

That was what she hoped it looked like, at least. After that sudden weakness in her knees, Blake had decided to brace herself against the effect of Liam's touch.

Blake hissed when Liam's hands came to rest on her shoulders. His hands were so big. Knowing that he was behind her, looming over her, Blake felt safe, as she always did when around Liam, and relaxed a bit. When she remembered that his hard, erect cock was likely pointed directly at her ass and only a few inches away, if that, Blake twitched as her pussy clenched, and blinked in surprised when she realized she had widened her legs and stuck out her ass a bit.

Suddenly, with Liam's soapy hands working her shoulders and upper back, thumbs gently massaging her muscles, his cock behind her spread legs, Blake felt uncertain. That, she wasn't ready for, though her body obviously was, and was damn impatient. The problem was, picturing herself, Blake knew she looked like she was offering herself to Liam. Inviting him fuck her. She wasn't ready for that, but fuck, she wanted it. If Liam grabbed her by the hips and rubbed the head of his cock against her lips, Blake didn't think she would be able to tell him to stop. She would just ram her ass back against his hips and take his cock as deep inside her as she possibly could.

Blake realized she could feel her heartbeat in her ears, her chest was rising and falling much more heavily than it had been a few minutes ago.

With not inconsiderable effort, Blake brought her mind back to the present and concentrated on Liam's hands.

Liam won't just line up his cock and fuck me. As delicious as that sounded. He would ask, and he would be able to tell if I wasn't ready.

Of course, he would. He was her friend. He was Liam.

My Liam.

That particular thought did something strange to Blake. For a moment, the shower and bathroom seemed to waver, and she panicked.

Then Liam's fingers touched just the right spot on Blake's back in just the right way, and Blake let out a low moan. That moan seemed to solidify everything around her again.

Liam's hands. Focus on that. That's all that matters right now.

Those wonderful hands had reached Blake's hips. For a moment, Blake shuddered at the image that popped into her head as Liam's fingers curled around Blake's hip bones.

"Fuck," she hissed.

Then those hands moved down to Blake's ass, and she moaned again. Liam's hands seemed made for her ass as he cupped Blake's firm cheeks. Despite her rules, Blake wanted Liam to spread those cheeks and run a finger over the flesh between them. She hadn't planned for that tonight, but that wasn't as daunting as sex. She could handle that.

Though technically, Liam would be handling--

Blake cut off that horrible pun before her mind could complete it and focused once more on Liam's hands. He seemed to be having similar thoughts, as he lingered on Blake's ass far longer than he had anywhere else, squeezing and kneading the globes, and tentatively spreading them just a bit. Blake arched her back in response and felt Liam's fingers dig into her flesh a bit more firmly. Then he spread her cheeks.

Blake could feel Liam's eyes on her pussy and asshole. It made her want her to encourage him--to tell him he could have that view any time he wanted. All he had to do was ask.

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