Part VI: A Private Showing

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VI: Blake

Blake chewed on her lip as she inspected her reflection. Her makeup was perfect—black, wing-tipped eyeliner with a hint of blue eyeshadow brought out her eyes, her lips were a deep red, and a light dusting of blush would make her look more aroused than she was. She doubted anyone watching her show noticed the subtlety of her techniques, but she knew from off-screen tests that they worked very well. Her hair was as radiant as ever, as she had re-dyed it a few days ago, and the deep blue of her thong—in an older fashion where the sides rose to hang high above her hips, almost at the cleft of her waist—matched. The stockings she had chosen for this show went higher up than most she owned, just short of where her thighs met her hips, and for a top she wore a thin, white shirt with long sleeves that she had cut off just below her breasts. As usual, she wore no bra, since she had no need.

Turning, Blake looked over her ass and legs. If she spread her cheeks, the thong barely hid the gem on her plug—it wouldn't have even hidden the smaller version she normally wore—and the little tail of the remote vibrator in her pussy would be clearly visible from the back no matter what she did. Her thighs didn't have any cellulite—not at this angle, at least—and her ass was definitely making progress, but she still didn't have the bulk she wanted, or the back dimples that came with it.

Oh well, nothing I can do about that now.

As she was walking over to check that her camera and everything on her computer was set up for the show—she still had another few minutes before she needed to be online—a knock came at her door.

Blake froze, her mind immediately rushing toward a conclusion it should not have jumped toward: Is that Liam?

She quickly banished the through from her mind as she walked to the door—she had told him earlier that she had a show and couldn't hang out.

Even though it was one of the only two plausible outcomes, Blake was still surprised when she opened her door and found Marie, "Hey, dude. Uh...what's up?"

Marie had already looked nervous the moment Blake opened the door. Now, she looked even worse, and her golden complexion had darkened considerably at the cheeks after she took in Blake's outfit.

"Oh." Marie said, "I didn't realize you were...Um, I can come back later—"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "Marie, I still have a few minutes until my show begins. What do you need?"

Marie hesitate for a moment, then took a deep breath before speaking, "I'm sorry for being a such a bitch to you." Her words came out in a torrent almost too quick for Blake to follow, "We were such good friends and then I fucked it up and all over something stupid. I never realized that you had a legitimate reason for doing your shows, or all the shit you have to deal with to make sure no one finds out who you are and where you live, and—" She stopped, taking a moment to catch her breath, then reached out and took Blake's hand, "Liam helped me realize how stupid I was being, and said I should give it a chance and ask if we could try being friends again—like we were. I do miss you."

Blake forcibly relaxed her expression, Fucking Liam being so damn great, "I miss you too, bro. And don't feel too bad. What happened with you and Dan was so fucked up, that I didn't really blame you, especially when you first started going out with Liam. I just wish you had let me be there for you."

Marie nodded, "So do I." Then her face colored again, "Um, actually, about Liam...I had a favor to ask you..."

Blake raised an eyebrow, "Yeah..."

"I—well," Marie stumbled over her words for a bit before finally spitting it out, "I've been trying to be more sexually active and...adventurous with Liam, but I'm having issues. Like—once we get going, I'm really, you know...into it—"

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