Part LVI: Do You Normally Dance Around Naked Like That?

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Part LVI: Blake

Blake's hips swayed back and forth to the beat of the distorted bass that thumped from her phone's speakers as she washed dishes. Marie and Sophie had both gone out, and Blake had decided to take the opportunity to dance around as she tidied up the kitchen a bit after her shower. Her hair was still tied up in a tight bun on top of her head, as she hadn't wanted to deal with washing it today—he body had gotten dirty during her show, not her hair—so the towel she normally would have used for that hung over her shoulders, swishing this way and that as she moved to the music. Her second towel hung from where she had tied it around her waist—towels never wanted to stay up around her chest unless she held them up.

"Dayum you'se a sexy bitch," Blake sung to herself, swishing her hips back and forth as she moved from one part of the kitchen to the other, putting away freshly dried dishes. She usually preferred something more scream-y over hip-hop or dance music, but those were much more fun to dance to. Anything to keep her distracted.

After parting with Liam the previous morning, Blake had scheduled impromptu shows for most of the day, getting the small remainder of her schoolwork done while she waited for enough people to get online. Even getting through that work had been difficult.

Blake's covert, early-morning orgasm had been enough to satiate her increasingly demanding libido for about as long as it took her to get halfway back to her apartment after leaving Liam's dorm. She'd rubbed one out in the shower despite seeing how terrible she looked. Liam's compliments and protests that she looked fine had been sweet, but she'd decided to prep and start carrying overnight supplies the moment she'd seen her reflection.

After her shower, Blake had made herself cum again before her show started up, and she'd made sure not to allow any sort of start and stop games on her shows yesterday. She'd been pretty sure she would lose it if she had to go through that again when Liam couldn't satisfy her before and afterward.

Even fantasizing about Liam all through her shows and four orgasms had only been just enough for Blake, however. She'd been glad when she woke up this morning that she'd scheduled a show in the early afternoon. Blake's pussy was on to her, however. Her orgasms had grown progressively harder and harder to achieve, as though her body was staging a protest. If she didn't give her pussy Liam's cock, it wouldn't give her an orgasm. She had maybe a full week to hold out before she could finally sleep with him. She hoped.

Unless he's evil, Blake thought, going up on her toes to put away one of the larger bowls she and her roommates seldom used. What if now that he knows how much I want to fuck him, he delays our date as much as possible because he knows I'll be a horny, drooling mess if he holds off long enough?

Blake had already had to get some liners in order to save her undies just because of how wet she was all the fucking time.

Liam isn't evil though, Blake reminded herself, making someone wait to fuck you until they're a horny mess is something you would do, not him.

Blake felt her pussy twitch at the thought of making Liam that horny. Of what she could do to make him that horny, and what she would do with him once she got him to that state...

Fuck! I distracted myself from my distraction!

Blake shuffled through a few different songs until she found one with a beat that she liked. Cackling to herself, Blake bent her knees and worked a bit of twerking into her dancing, resulting in a display only Chloe had seen and participated in. Only after they'd gotten a little fucked up, of course.

As Blake grabbed another dish, however, her dancing grew a bit too vigorous, and her towel came undone, falling from around her waist.

Whoops, Blake thought, putting away the dish before she reached down to pick it up, good thing no one's—

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