Part LIX: That Would Get In The Way Of Our Date

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LIX: Blake

Blake opened her door a crack to peek out, biting her lip.

Across the main room, Marie stood next to a small carry-on and a large purse as she locked the door to her room.

Don't chicken out. You can do this. You have to start somewhere.

Taking a deep breath, Blake opened her door and stepped out into the main room, smiling.

"Hey, Marie," she said, taking a few quick strides across the room as the blonde slung the strap of her purse over one shoulder.

Marie gave her a tight smile, "Hey Blake, what's up?"

Blake's roommate had make-up on, but it couldn't entirely conceal how tired Marie looked.

Is she just tired? Or is she still having a hard time getting over Liam?

Blake couldn't help but feel guilty at that last thought. She knew Liam had made his own choices in the matter, and they hadn't even kissed until two days ago—Blake felt her cheeks heat a bit at the memory of that, pussy twitching in anticipation of more—but she had still basically stolen Liam away from her.

"I just wanted to make sure I caught you in time to say good-bye before you took off," Blake said, spreading her arms and lifting them halfway, giving Marie an out if she didn't feel like a hug, "I haven't really seen you around here much lately."

To Blake's relief, Marie smiled at that and stepped into the hug, "Thanks, Blake. I've just been..."

Marie trailed off, blowing out a long puff of air.

"I know," Blake said quietly, releasing her roommate. She hesitated for a moment, then: "Let me know if you want to talk about it. Hopefully being away from things over break will help?"

Marie gave her another tight smile, "Hopefully. And thanks."

"No problem," Blake said. She meant it. Despite what had happened between her and Marie—and Marie and Liam—Blake did feel for her roommate. If it was possible, she would like to have Marie as a friend again at some point.

"Maybe when you get back you can tell me about the girl you've been seeing?" She grinned, "Or girls?"

Apparently, that had been the wrong thing to say.

Marie's cheeks turned bright red.

"Uh, sure," she said, looking away as she ran her fingers through her hair, "When I get back."

She pulled out her phone, then gave Blake another quick smile as she slipped it back into her purse, "I've gotta go—my car is here. Have a good break, Blake. And thank you. I'll see you when I get back."

Blake nodded and helped Marie out of the apartment with her luggage. When she closed the door behind the blonde, Blake frowned, leaning against the wall.

Marie's reaction to her question about the girl had not been what Blake expected. She'd meant it mostly as a joke.

Is she embarrassed that I know she's sleeping with girls? Or just one girl? Or did I remind her of the night that basically fucked everything up with her and Liam? Liam!

Blake had been trying her best not to think about Liam, as thoughts of him usually led to Blake needing to attend to her increasingly needy pussy. Thinking of him now, however, helped Blake push away thoughts of guilt regarding him and Marie.

Blake walked back to her bedroom, pulling out her phone to text Liam.

"Marie just left. Wish you weren't leaving today, too. Let me know when you're headed over to the airport?"

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