Part XLI: All You Need To Do Is Knock

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XLI: Liam

Liam woke up with a boner, as usual. And as usual, not the desired kind. His mouth tasted gross and he needed to pee. He shifted around for a moment, wondering why he was so hot and squished in the bed. Then his eyes adjusted to the room's dim light and saw the three naked girls piled into the bed with him. He lay on the far side from the door, Marie next to him, then Alice and Leah. Something about that arrangement bugged him. He felt like he should have felt satisfied or at least smiled looking at the three naked girls he'd shared his bed with. He just felt tired.

Yawning, Liam pulled on some pajama pants and tried to scrub the sleep from his eyes as he crossed over to the door and out toward the bathroom.

Once he was done, water splashed on his face and hair given a semblance of care, Liam headed back into the kitchen. He got the filter out of the fridge and frowned upon seeing it almost empty. With a sigh, he closed the fridge and set the open filter down under the faucet, trying to be as quiet as possible. He turned the water on, then leaned back against one of the countertops, yawning as he waited for the filter to fill.

"Hey, Liam."

Liam started, almost slipping on the kitchen's smooth floor.

Heart pounding, he turned toward the source of the voice to find Chloe, fully dressed, leaning on the counter giving him an amused look.

"Fuck," he breathed, "You—"

Liam remembered last night and felt his cheeks grow hot. Whatever he'd been about to say faded from his mind, leaving only awkwardness.

Chloe, however, seemed to feel none of that. Blake's curvy, dark-haired friend just rolled her eyes, "If you're thinking about what you saw last night, just stop—I don't care, but I do need you to listen to me."

She lowered her voice, "Blake will kill me if she ever finds out about this, so nothing gets back to her, alright?"

Once Liam nodded, she rounded the corner into the kitchen, stopping only a foot from him.

"Fuck, you are tall," she muttered, looking him up and down. Her eyes flickered to the side, "You might wanna get that."

Liam raised an eyebrow, then followed her gaze and swore again before turning off the water. The water had overflowed from the filter. He'd just have to dry it off, but he was still a bit annoyed.

He looked back to Chloe and found her eyes on his.

"Blake is crazy about you," she said, "So you need to make up your mind about what she is to you soon, otherwise it's only going to hurt her more in the end."

"Crazy about me?" Liam breathed. Was that what Blake had meant yesterday?

Chloe nodded, "Even when we were fucking last night, she was thinking about you the whole time. She's been different ever since you two me. Sometimes better, sometimes worse. Before we came back last night, she wasn't doing well, and she didn't want to come back here, because she knew she would want to go to you but didn't want to make you or Marie feel uncomfortable."

Liam blinked, tensing. His eyes darted toward Blake's door, "What happened? Is she alright?"

Chloe raised an eyebrow, "She's fine. I hope that's not an act."

She paused, studying him for a moment, "Blake thinks you're too good for her. She's never said that outright, but I can hear it when she talks about you. But honestly, from what I've heard about you in the past week, I'm starting to think she might be too good for you. She beat herself up over the night she spent with Marie and was starting to lose it when you gave her the silent treatment for a week. She—"

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