Part XXIX: What Could Have Been

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XXIX: Blake

Blake blinked when she realized how hard she was biting her lip, and thumbed it, working her jaw around before resting her head in her hands and massaging her temples. She was working on one of her personal projects tonight--something she hoped would be able to get her a high-paying summer job with long-term potential once she finished it. Preferably something where she could work remotely.

She'd been at it since she got back from class, as she didn't have much homework this week due to the upcoming midterms, and she studied regularly enough that she never had to cram. After three hours of constant work though, Blake found it difficult to maintain her concentration.

Yawning as she rose from her desk chair, Blake crossed the short distance to her bed and flopped onto the sheets, opening her phone and scrolling through various forums and social media to keep her mind busy and distracted. She needed to keep herself distracted if she wasn't working, and it was too late for any gaming tonight. Eventually, she ended up finding some porn and following that thread of searches—as usual if she was bored and alone.

She looked through some of the weirder pictures and comics available, then moved on to some clips and gifs as her pussy started to grow wet.

Shifting around to get more comfortable, Blake finally settled on an audio file—not the first time she had tried using one to help her get off, but definitely uncommon for her—and secured her earbuds before closing tired eyes and slipping off her underwear, leaving her loose shirt on for warmth.

The audio was a long one, but one that appealed to her as a "what could have been," kind of fantasy.

The file was made for a guy to listen to, but it worked well enough for Blake, and the speaker's voice dripped with sensuality. She let her mind drift off as the voice relaxed her, guiding her through breathing exercises as Blake lazily played with her pussy. Her fingers brushed gently over the sensitive skin of her thighs and outer lips, occasionally sliding over her glistening lips.

The voice guided her through the scenario, transporting Blake's mind out of her bed.

She was over at a friend's house. A boy friend's house. He was cute and always there for her, and they'd often cuddled alone on her couch or his, watching movies or playing video games. They were alone then, and the movie had just ended, but she didn't want to get up or leave just yet.

Blake lay on her side, curled up next to the boy on his couch, head on his lap. She shifted, resting a hand on his thigh, and felt something firm under her fingertips. He stiffened, then shifted, clearing his throat.

Blake smiled, an idea coming into her head, and turned so that she was looking up at him. She giggled. He looked so nervous, blue eyes fixed on the dark TV screen, sandy hair a mess as usual. Blake reached up and grabbed at the sleeve of his shirt, squirming at the way the fabric clung to his body, outlining his muscles.

"Was that your cock?" Blake asked.

The boy flinched and looked down at her. She just laughed, "Dude, relax, I know you have one. That just felt...bigger than I imagined."

He cleared his throat again, "Yeah—yeah, it was."

"Can I see it?"

Liam blinked down at her, wide-eyed, "What?"

"Can I see it?" Blake repeated, "I've seen them in porn and stuff, but never seen one in person. If it's too weird for you, I understand—I just thought we were close enough that you wouldn't mind."

Liam was silent for a moment, his eyes staring off at nothing for a while before refocusing on her.

"I guess so," he said slowly, "You're gonna have to move though."

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