Part LXVI: Come to Bed

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LXVI: Blake

Something hard between her legs woke Blake just enough for her to start moving against it. Her mind was still hazy, but she smiled at how soft and firm it was. And thick. It must have been pressed up against her lips for a while, since it was already slick with her juices, allowing her to slide her wet lower lips back and forth across its length.

Fuck, I must have fallen asleep while cumming again. Ugh, why can't it be Liam's cock for once instead of one of my—

Blake froze, her eyes shot open.

Fuck! Liam's cock!

The realization shocked Blake's mind awake, clearing the fog from her head. The previous night rushed back to her as she registered Liam's warm, muscular arms around her, the firm, hard muscles of his chest and abs against her back, his warm breath against her neck, and again, his massive, rock-hard cock against her pussy.

With a strangled yelp, Blake rolled away from Liam, almost falling off the bed. She caught herself, though, and stood at the side of her bed, staring wide-eyed at Liam, hoping she hadn't woken him up.

Liam shifted a bit, snuggling into the pillow a bit more, but his eyes didn't open.

Blake sighed, relieved, then realized how fast her heart was beating.

Well, that's one way to get out of bed.

The blankets covered most of Liam, but Blake's eyes were still drawn to his cock and the slight tent it made in the sheet.

I could wake him up with a blowjob. That's still not breaking the rules, and I bet he'd fucking love that.

Blake didn't trust herself, though. She was already revved up from rubbing her pussy against Liam's cock, and she wanted it inside her. Bad.

What time is it?

Blake looked to the nightstand and picked up her phone, unplugging the charging cable.

5:34. No fucking way I'm waking Liam up right now.

Blake did pull the covers up a bit, though, tucking Liam in. For a moment, she stood beside the bed, smiling down at Liam. She burned the image of him asleep in her bed into her brain, then started her morning routine.

Blake smiled, letting out a content sigh as she wrapped her warm, fluffy towel around herself. She took a moment to just enjoy the fuzzy warmth surrounding her, then re-wrapped it around herself, tying it off just under her arms. She studied herself in the mirror for a moment, wondering exactly how she should do her makeup, trying to distract herself.

I'll go light today, just a little more than I usually put on for class.

It had taken Blake a while to just start her routine every morning out of habit, and she still had to work at it some mornings, but it had proven invaluable in keeping her life together since she started camming. This morning in particular, it provided a much-needed distraction from the naked, sleeping Liam in Blake's bed.

She'd exercised a bit more caution this morning as she went through her stretching routine and the light calisthenics routine that kept her in shape, trying to be as quiet as she could so as to not wake Liam. She hoped the shower hadn't woken him, and almost decided against blow-drying her hair.

But I want to look good for him.

Blake knew she shouldn't think that way. She should want to look good for herself, not anyone else. Not her fans, not even Liam.

Easier said than done, though. And at least Liam doesn't seem interested in anything fake or unhealthy-looking.

At least, she didn't think his tastes leaned that way.

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