Part XXVIII: Plus One

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As Liam turned the corner, walking hand in hand with Marie, he realized he had never actually seen her sorority house. It was just another vaguely colonial style house with wood paneling, like most of the frat and sorority houses in the neighborhood, but it definitely looked...cleaner than any of the frat houses Liam had been to.

"What exactly am I doing here again?" he asked as they walked up the driveway toward the back of the house, "I thought sorority stuff was always just sisters only."

Marie smiled up at him. Her nerves from earlier when she had come over to his dorm room to dress him had definitely disappeared.

When he had received the text from her earlier today telling him that she was going to meet him at 10:00 on a Tuesday night and help him get ready for a party, Liam had almost thought his girlfriend was joking, but here he was, dressed in nice jeans and one of the few button-down's he owned that fit his shoulders and arms nicely without being too short or too long. Liam was glad Marie hadn't said anything about a tie--memories from high school band of having to play an instrument while a stupid school tie tried to cut off his windpipe still made his throat feel tight.

"Just think of it as my way of making things up to you," Marie said, batting her lashes and squeezing his hand.

She looked incredible. Marie had gone with a silver dress tonight that hugged her body, showing off her trim waist and round ass, as well as silvery eyeshadow applied in some mystical way that called attention to her eyes without appearing too overly flashy.

"Marie," Liam began, scrubbing a hand through his hair, "I told you, we're fi--"

Marie leaned up on her tiptoes to silence him with a kiss.

"I know," she said, smiling, "I had been thinking about doing this for a bit anyway, so just enjoy it, okay?"

Liam raised an eyebrow at her, but nodded, unsure if Marie was telling him everything. She hadn't given him any reason not to trust him since her confession--though it had only been three days past--but Liam just didn't see the point in frat parties. His main reason for going had been finding a girl to hook up with considering he didn't have a lot of options in his classes, and he had never cared to drink anything at the frat parties he had been to. He thought Marie knew that, but...

Maybe sorority parties are different?

Liam would keep an open mind on that but doubted he would find the party as fun as Marie.

They were stopped at the door by one of Marie's sorority sisters--apparently only guys from one frat had been allowed tonight and Liam was not even in a frat to begin with--but Marie said she had cleared it with one of their other sisters, and the girl let them through.

As they passed through the house, Marie made several introductions which Liam tried his best to remember. All the girls of Alpha Delta Pi were dressed impeccably--and all somehow just as attractive as Marie, if not more so. The few guys Liam saw were dressed like him, some with ties, some without.

They made their way through the house quickly with Marie in the lead, until they finally descended to the basement.

Loud, thumping bass music and the mix of sweat, stale beer, and those who had put on either cologne or perfume too heavily, assaulted Liam's senses as they stepped off the stairs into the dimly lit room to join the throng of dancing co-eds.

So far, except for the sky-high level of attractiveness even the girls down here seemed to meet, it didn't seem too different from a frat party to Liam.

He was about to ask Marie what exactly it was she wanted him to enjoy, when she pulled him over out of the way of the stairs and flung her arms around his neck, pulling his head down closer to hers.

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