Part XXXVIII: Make Sure He Hears You

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"You want to talk about it?" Chloe asked.

Blake frowned as they exited the club, passing the line of people. Chloe pulled Blake along down the sidewalk in a direction that Blake only vaguely remembered would take them to the nearest T-stop.

She didn't want to talk about it. She just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry where no one could watch. Gritted teeth were the only reason she was able to keep even a semblance of outer composure. She just felt so gross. What made it worse was the arousal that still clouded her mind.

Blake blinked in surprise when Chloe stopped them without warning, pulling her off to the side of the path, "Blake, tell me. What happened?"

Blake still didn't want to. When she met her friend's eyes, however, something in Blake compelled her to talk.

"It was what he said," Blake sniffed, voice breaking.

Fuck. I'm already about to cry.

"It—it wasn't really that bad," She continued, "Most shit you hear in porn clips is worse. I—" Blake stopped to force down a sob.

Fuck, I can't cry. I'll look like such a fucking mess.

"I just didn't care though," she admitted, "not until the end, at least. He was rough with me, but I let him. I wanted it."

Blake was in Chloe's arms now—she didn't remember that happening. Just that it felt nice. Blake gripped at the straps of her friend's dress as Chloe held her close with one arm around Blake's waist, her free hand stroking Blake's hair.

"I told him to fuck me harder," Blake said, voice breaking, but not all the way to a sob. She'd probably said enough, or even too much, already, but she just couldn't stop the words, "When he stuck it in my ass—he didn't even fucking ask or warn me—I didn't tell him to fuck off. I just wanted him to fuck my ass. It wasn't until he said--" Blake cut off with another sniff, looking up at her friend, "I'm not a slut, am I Chlo? I came out looking for a fuck tonight, but--"

Blake squeaked as Chloe released her suddenly, then took her by the shoulders. Blake blinked in surprise as she met her friend's gaze. Those eyes were so intense, "Don't talk like that, Blake. A slut is someone that has no respect for themselves or anyone else. That's not you. You just enjoy sex--there's nothing wrong with that."

Blake sniffed, nodding slowly, and Chloe's arms were tight around her again.

"C'mon, Blake," Chloe whispered, stroking her hair—that felt so nice, "You know that. You're just having a rough time of it lately."

"But why did I do that?" Blake asked, trying to control her sobs as she spoke into Chloe's chest, "Why did I let him do that—why did I ask him to do that? I like it rough sometimes, but that's supposed to be with someone I trust to respect my boundaries. Not some rando I meet in a club."

The worst part was, Blake was still horny. She still wanted something inside her, fucking her. It felt worse than usual for some reason. Earlier she had just been horny. Now she was...a not-okay kind of horny.

"Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, Blake," Chloe said, "Trust me, if I was going through all the shit you're dealing with right now, I'd be making way bigger fuck-ups."

Blake just nodded; eyes downcast. She just wanted tonight to be over—for everything she was feeling to stop and go back to normal.

She winced, biting her lip when Chloe pulled back.

"Come on, let's get you home," her friend said, taking her by the arm, "If you want, I can stay over." She flashed a smile at Blake, "We haven't had a good snuggle-sesh in a while."

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