Part XLIX: I Had An Idea...

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XLIX: Blake and Liam


Blake tried not to make too much noise as she slipped into the lecture hall. She was only a little late, but this room was on the smaller side, and she had to walk in front of the whole class no matter where she decided to sit.

Normally, Blake would just slip into the closest seat and draw as little attention to herself as possible, but as she looked up at the seats, she saw Liam sitting in the back, an empty seat next him. Blake could feel everyone else looking at her as she made her way to her way up the short flight of stairs between the sections of seating. She started to shrink down, but then her eyes caught Liam's. Those eyes made her forget about everyone else looking at her, and Blake gave him a warm smile as she slipped into the seat next to him.

"Thanks," she said, shrugging off her coat and getting her laptop out of her bag. She didn't want to look away from his eyes, but had to given their setting. Ever since her over the top masturbation session Thursday night, Blake's pussy had been a bit overactive whenever it came to Liam. Well, her mind had, too, which definitely didn't help, but still. Though Blake was doing well in this class, she preferred to pay attention during lectures. That usually meant little or sometimes no studying later. Being horny in class would not help that.

If you really cared that much, you wouldn't have sometime in your ass right now, would you?

That also didn't help her current situation.

"Did I miss anything?" She whispered, opening up her laptop to her notes for this class as she eyed Liam. Why was he grinning like that?

He shook his head, "Just answering a few homework questions."

Blake smiled at him in thanks.


Blake raised an eyebrow, "You'd know if I overslept. As much as I would love to roll out of bed at the last minute like you apparently do, I make up too many excuses not to stretch and work out if I don't get it out of the way first thing."

Liam blinked, "Wait, you came from the gym?"

"No," Blake said, typing up what their professor threw up on the slides, "I have a morning routine that I do pretty much every day just to stay in shape. I go to the gym for keeping up my strength and bulking or cutting. My appearance is kind of important."

Liam nodded, but Blake could see the curiosity still in his eyes.

"Then why were you late?" Liam asked.

Blake felt her cheeks heat a little bit, and she sighed, leaning closer to Liam and keeping her voice as low as she could with him still able to hear, "If you must know, I was almost out the door this morning when I remembered that I wanted to...wear a butt plug today, and I got a little distracted after putting it in."

Blake straightened, glancing at Liam. Laughter threatened to bubble forth at his expression. Her friend's face could almost compete with a tomato and his eyes were wide as saucers. Blake stole a glance at the crotch of his pants and grinned as she saw some movement there.

Her pussy twitched at the thought of what might be running through Liam's head with this new information, and Blake squirmed, making sure he would notice.

The Blake made the mistake of meeting his eyes.


Those blue eyes gazed at her with such intensity, such desire. Blake shivered, though this time she had no control over the movement.

How the fuck am I supposed to last an entire week or more without throwing myself at him? Stupid rules.

The fact that Blake had set those rules herself only made them stupider.

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