Part LXIX: I Think You Broke Me

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LXIX: Liam and Blake


Liam swallowed as he looked at his image in the bathroom mirror. He pulled at his collar a bit, wishing he hadn't opted for the tie.

Tonight is for Blake, not you. You'll have fun, but this is for her, and she wanted to dress up, so you're wearing the damn tie.

With a sigh, Liam looked over himself one more time. His hair was styled, he'd trimmed his face, using Sophie's cover-up after in a few places, and his clothes were wrinkle-free and fit well. He'd brushed his teeth and gargled mouthwash about five times, just in case, and had found an old bottle of cologne he hoped Blake liked. Just in case, he hadn't put on too much.

Stop freaking out. Everything's going to be fine.

Fine wasn't good enough, though. "Fine" was alright for some girl he'd just met that he was taking out for the first time. This was Blake; his friend. His...

Fuck, what even are we? Close friends that have really good sex? No, stop it. Don't worry about that tonight. There's no 'us' or labels or anything. Just Blake.

The sex had been incredible, though Liam hadn't expected any different given the way Blake had been looking at him the past week. Her...skill in that area was definitely appreciated as well, but he'd never really cared about that--with Blake or Marie. He just cared about how into it--and how into him-- the girl was. Now that he looked back on it, Liam knew Marie had never even come close to how Blake had been this morning and the previous night.


Liam cheeks grew hot as he glanced down at the growing tightness in his slacks. Even with the jacket and the brisk weather outside, he was glad he'd opted for some particularly tight boxers.

I'm probably going to need to get some more of these.

Liam adjusted himself, then looked in the mirror one last time before stepping back out into the main room. It was empty, so he sat down on the couch.

After shifting around for a bit, Liam sighed--he never had been able to really relax in a suit. Not with the jacket on, at least.

He glanced over to Blake's door, still shut, and found himself thinking about earlier.

They'd napped for almost two hours. Blake had seemed very content at falling asleep with him inside her, but frustrated that her pussy had apparently forced him out, even though he'd still been big enough that the could have stayed inside her in that position. Her pussy had also forced out quite a bit of cum, and Blake had sighed, deeming their genitals too gross for her to clean it up the way she wanted. They'd run into the shower, where after getting clean, Blake had gone down on Liam and he'd fingered her to orgasm. And then they'd cleaned off again.

Liam grinned, remembering how Blake had decided to spend the rest of the shower sitting after that, as apparently standing had been too hard.

The creak of Blake's door opening broke Liam from his thoughts. He shot to his feet, adjusting his tie and jacket. When Blake stepped out of her room, Liam's eyes went wide.

He noticed her hair first. It was a bit shorter than usual, but thick and a bit bouncier with curled ringlets. It was also jet black. Liam liked her blue hair better, but...


The black made her eyes sparkle, and turned the color darker, deeper. Her eyes looked almost violet, somehow.

Maybe it's just the light, or the eyeshadow.

The contrast between her hair and pale skin made her seem made of fine porcelain, cheeks and lips painted with expert strokes. Shining, blue-violet shadow above her eyes made them even more striking. The red of her lips matched her dress exactly. And her dress...

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