Part LXXI: Don't Stop

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LXXI: Liam and Blake


"Okay, table's set, food is on the table. Anything other than the Brussel sprouts?"

Liam shook his head as he turned off the heat on the stove and carefully tipped the hot pan into the waiting bowl, "Just these. You think Blake is ready by now?"

Sophie took the bowl once he had everything scraped into it, and glanced at him with a shrug, "She's your girlfriend, dude."

Liam grinned, setting the pan back on the stove to cool off before he washed it. He took a few paper towels and folded them up to wipe off the grease.

She is my girlfriend.

The thought spread a warmth through him.

"She is," Liam said, walking over to stuff the oily paper towels into the trash can, "But you're her roommate. The only time I've had to wait on her to change was last night, and I don't think she's gonna be as dressed up tonight."

Sophie grinned at that, taking one of the glasses of sparkling cider and sitting down at the table.

Her curly black hair bounced as she plopped into the seat, "I mean...she's still gonna be dressed up tonight."

Liam laughed at that, giving the kitchen one more glance to make sure it was clean. Well, relatively clean. He'd told Sophie about his and Blake's bet--the outcome, at least, rather than the actual bet itself--and she'd seemed to enjoy the idea. Blake had stubbornly told him he didn't get to see her outfit until after her show, so he had no idea what it looked like, but he was excited. Mostly because of how embarrassed she seemed at the idea.

He'd felt a little bad at first, but only a little. Blake had the upper hand in that sort of thing far too often.

Satisfied with the kitchen's state, he strode over to Blake's door and knocked.

"Hey, food's hot. You ready?"


Liam grinned at the pout in her voice.

A moment later, the handle twisted and the door opened just enough for half of Blake's face to peek out, lustrous blue hair framing her pale face.

"Do I have to?" she pouted.

Liam had won the bet pretty quickly. He'd known the bet was a dirty one, considering that teenage boys usually trained themselves to be pretty quiet when masturbating--something that one grew even more skilled at when you lived in a dorm with thin walls and two other guys. Blake, on the other hand, had been very vocal with him so far, and was even more vocal on her shows from what he remembered.

Either way, the sex had been fantastic. At the time, at least, Blake had seemed more relieved at losing than disappointed.

Liam shrugged, "I guess not. But the food is hot, and you'd have to satisfy the bet some other way."

Liam had no clue what he would do as a backup, but Blake's bit her lip, narrowing her eyes as though she thought he'd done this specifically so that he could get her to agree to something else. Then she sighed.

"Ughhh, fine."

Liam couldn't help the grin that spread across his face as Blake opened the door, revealing her costume.

She wore a lacy set of black and white lingerie as the base, with a wide belt bearing a thick buckle cinched over her waist, almost covering her bellybutton. A long white collar fell down over her shoulders and upper chest , though it was open at the middle, ensuring no cleavage was hidden. It looked like she'd even pinned it to the bra straps. Black sleeves with white cuffs covered her arms from wrist to mid-bicep, and white stockings rose up to mid-thigh, with little buckled black hems at the top, matching her black heels with big black buckles in the middle. "That's awesome," Liam said, his grin growing even wider.

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