Part LXII: I Think I Might Go Insane Otherwise

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LXII: Blake and Liam


Blake stood in the shower for a moment, curtain shut, after she turned off the water. She closed her eyes, trying to control her breathing so that breaths came deep and slow rather than match the pounding in her chest.

Blake wanted to scream, yet she knew that would do little to ease her frustration, and just alarm Sophie and Liam. Her aching, unsatisfied pussy throbbed in time with her pulsing ass and pounding heart.

Why is it this hard? I haven't had this problem since I tried to see if I could go without him. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Blake knew that some girls couldn't cum reliably. She knew that there were women twice her age who'd never experienced an orgasm from a lover or their own attentions. It still wasn't fucking fair.

That's not supposed to happen to me.

It hadn't helped, of course, that on her way to the shower, she'd come out in just her robe and kissed Liam like she was trying to suck the life out of him. She'd thought that the renewed feeling of his lips and his tongue, his taste, his smell, would be able to send her over the edge. It had just made her more desperate with no relief.

Blake took a few more deep breaths, feeling her heart rate slow a little, though not as much as she would have liked. Setting her jaw, Blake pulled open the curtain and leaned over to grab one of her towels. She dried herself off a bit, then wrapped the towel around her head before stepping out onto the floor mat.

Blake had kept her hair mostly dry, as she didn't want to be walking around with wet hair or a towel on her head in front of Liam. She didn't think he'd mind, but she wanted to look alluring. Enticing!

In her current state, Blake was even more thankful for her earlier decision. Even if her activities in the shower meant she had a few wet spots to take care of.

Even as Blake got ready for bed--adjusting her nightly routine just enough so she would still look cute for Liam--her brain started to fuzz again, holes and even her nipples throbbing with the need to be touched.

Her own touch apparently didn't count, however. Blake had ended up needing to fake her fucking orgasm during her show. She hated doing that. She'd tried being honest the first time it happened, but most of her fans had seemed disappointed--both in themselves and her--so she hadn't done that again. Thankfully, she knew her body well enough and was usually able to get turned on enough that having an orgasm was a sure thing, but Blake had faked a few more times. Usually she just had some tea and went to sleep after a show like that to reset herself, but that wasn't an option tonight.

Tonight, Liam will be in my bed. Fuck, he's actually going to be in my bed.

Blake shivered at that realization; pussy throbbing even harder. She supposed she couldn't blame it. Liam's mere fucking presence turned her on even when she hadn't been trying to unsuccessfully make herself cum for the past few hours. At this point, Blake was pretty sure that the source of her problem was also her solution. Her rules, however...

Do they really matter anymore? I made those fucking rules so I would get to go out on a nice date and feel special for once, and it worked. Liam's taking me out on a date, he fucking cancelled his flight home to be with me, and he seems excited about our date. Do I really need these rules anymore?

Blake wasn't entirely certain she did. In her current state, she wasn't sure she'd be able to make it through the night without jumping Liam. Did she really want to go on their date like that?

Though Blake would have just been fine with a nice dinner, Liam had apparently planned something in addition to that. Blake wanted to be present enough to actually enjoy whatever that was, but if she were to go out even now, all she would be thinking about the entire time would be getting home and ripping Liam's clothes off.

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