Part LXIII: I Want To Suck Your Cock

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LXIII: Blake


Blake could feel her nails digging into Liam's shoulders as she held him down. He hadn't tried to rise, but his suggestion had evoked a primal, visceral response within her that had managed to break through the haze in her mind that almost getting him off had created. Ironically, that made his suggestion even more valid.

Fuck that. He's mine, and I finally got him into my bed. He's not going anywhere!

Blake tried to think of a less crazy-sounding way to say that.

"I am not wasting a night where I can be with you by having you sleep on the fucking couch."

That kind of worked. Blake didn't think it sounded too crazy, at least.

"I just—" she started again, then sighed.

You fucking need this.

I need something...his cock felt so fucking good against my ass...she shivered just thinking about that. But no sex. Not yet. I have to at least try to be good.

Blake drew herself up, meeting Liam's gaze again.

"I don't think we should have sex tonight," she said, forcing each word out with considerable effort, "But I want to suck your cock."

To Blake's surprise, Liam didn't react to that. No surprise, no eagerness, just...

Was he even listening?

"Liam?" She said, slowly, trying to project confidence despite the tiny fear of rejection that lay waiting to pounce in the back of her mind.

"What?" He said suddenly, shaking his head, blue eyes focusing on her, "Sorry, I didn't—"

Blake cut him off with a finger to the lips.

"I want to suck your cock."

Blake watched with satisfaction as Liam swallowed the lump in his throat. He licked his lips before he spoke, tongue brushing against her finger. Blake's pussy clenched at that as her mind conjured a list of much better uses for Liam's tongue. She withdrew it, however, not trusting herself to keep from slipping it between his lips.

"You—you want to—" Liam began.

"Suck your cock," Blake repeated, cutting him off again, "I still want, need, to make sure I follow my rules most of the way, but you've seen my shows, and—" she bit her lip for a moment before letting the words slip free, eyes focused on Liam's, "And I'm way too fucking horny from touching myself all day."

The desire in Liam's eyes burned even hotter, only making Blake's situation worse.

Shut up! She told her pussy as it growled, hungry for Liam's cock, I'm compromising for you, but I'm the one in control now!

"I don't think I'll be able to get off without touching you in some way," Blake continued, "And if I don't cum, I honestly might just wake you up in the middle of the night by climbing onto your cock."

She bit her lip again, gazing into Liam's eyes, then took a deep breath.

"Can I please put your cock in my mouth," she asked, voice breathy. She hadn't intended to sound that way, but it seemed to work, based on how Liam's cock twitched, moving the sheets.

Blake almost stopped there, holding back the words that came to mind.

Should I tell him? Or will it just make him think I am a slut?

This was Liam. He didn't think of her that way. He saw her, not just that one side of her.

Fuck it.

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