Part XLVI: Am Not!

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XLVI: Blake

Blake walked out into the crisp winter air with a smile on her face. Not only did the cold help dull her pussy's insistence that she run back into that basement and jump on Liam's big hard cock, but she'd said what she needed to say, and Liam hadn't rejected her. He hadn't even given her any pushback once she'd explained her reasoning.

She was also glad to know that he had a more forward side in him—that would work out very nicely. As she walked, Blake wiggled her hips a bit. She could still feel his hand hitting her ass. That...Blake shivered. She wondered how long it would be before she felt comfortable telling Liam about the effect that had on her.

For some reason, that thought sent an icy spike of fear through Blake. A lump formed in her throat.

What if he rejects me? What if after seeing what I do, he can't get past it or deal with it the way he would need to for us to be together? Or what if he accepts that only to be unable to accept what I like in bed sometimes?

Swallowing hard, Blake flipped to Chloe's contact on her phone and dialed, securing her earbuds.

"Hey girl," Chloe answered, "You gonna tell me what's going on? From your earlier text I'm guessing either Liam broke up with Marie and it didn't go well, or you just said, 'fuck it' and jumped him and Marie found out."

"First one," Blake said, Chloe's humor making her feel a bit less panicky.

Chloe chuckled, "I knew it. Congrats, Blake."

Blake frowned, unable to share in her friend's excitement at the moment, "Chlo, did I do the right thing? I just talked to Liam and told him I want to wait before we do anything so he can make sure that he's okay with me being a camgirl since I'm not just a friend anymore. He thought it was a good idea, but—but what if he ends up rejecting me?"

Chloe was silent for a moment over the phone, and Blake could picture her friend thinking.

"Okay," Chloe said, Blake could hear the sigh in her voice, "First off, if he does reject you, then it's a good thing that you did this now rather than later, and I'm pretty sure that you know that and that's why you told him that. If that does happen, it'll suck, but you'll get over it. You're a strong girl, and you have me to help you out. Second, Liam is not going to reject you. All I had to do was say your name to him last time I was over, and I could tell how much he cares about you. That boy is a fucking unicorn. If he thinks he's going to have a hard time with you being a camgirl, he'll figure out a way to deal with it. That's the vibe I got from him, at least. Either way, I think you should make the most of your non-romantic time with him. If he can't handle you being a camgirl, then at least you'll have had some good memories with him. If he can, they you two will be disgustingly cute together. Though I doubt you two will actually be able to keep your hands off each other to make that happen. I could hear that desperate, sexual frustration in your voice."

Blake narrowed her eyes. She could hear Chloe's smirk over the phone.

"Ugh, first Liam, then you. What is up with you people, today?"

"Speaking of Liam," Chloe said, sounding amused, "Did you tell him you want him? Or did you tell him how you really feel?"

Blake stumbled, barely catching herself, "What do you mean."

Chloe laughed, "I mean, did you tell him that you're head over heels in love with him."

Blake felt her cheeks grow red.

"Am not," she protested.

"Would you give up camming for him if he asked you to? If you didn't need the money."

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