Part XXXV: I Need You

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XXXV: Blake and Liam


Blake was on her way back from the gym when her phone buzzed. She frowned as she fished it out of her yoga pants, then froze when she saw Liam's name above the message. She immediately moved out of the middle of the sidewalk and leaned against the fence overlooking one of the lowered parking lots off the main avenue. This one had a large mural covering one of the walls. She thought it might have been a student project. Blake shook herself, looking down at her phone. As she opened her it, Blake realized she was biting her lip.


Hey. I know things have been weird lately. I don't like that, and I miss you. Can you meet me near HoJo later so we can talk?

Blake smiled despite her nervousness.


Sure. When were you thinking?


Your last class is over at 6:30, right? Does 6:45 work?


That's perfect.

As that last text sent, Blake's eyes widened for a moment. She worried that that last text had been too weird, but Liam responded right away.


See you then :)

Blake sighed, sagging against the wall. She couldn't help smiling.

He doesn't hate me.

Blake wanted to laugh. She knew she was probably reading a bit too far into things, and her mind wanted to overanalyze the texts and delve even deeper, but she knew Liam didn't hate her. He wouldn't have faked being pleasant with her if he did.

Maybe I won't go out tonight.

Taking a deep, satisfied breath, Blake pushed herself off the wall, then resumed her walk back to her apartment. She made it only a few steps before pausing again, eyes going wide.

She pulled her phone back out and looked at the time.

Fuck! I need to get ready now!

Blake took off for her apartment at a run, for once, not caring how much attention she drew to herself.


Liam paced nervously on the sidewalk outside his dorm, resisting the urge to check his phone again.

She's coming straight from class, and you got here early, calm down.

Liam had sat on the nearby bench for a bit. About 30 seconds. He still didn't know exactly what he was going to say to Blake. Most of him was just excited to see her again. He hadn't lied when he'd told her he missed her.

Taking a deep breath, Liam brought his hands to his face, then scrubbed one through his hair.

I really hope I don't fuck this up.


Liam jumped at the sound of his name, whipping around to a wide-eyed Blake staring up at him. He relaxed a bit at the sight of her, smiling, but his eyes widened further as he drank her in.

She looked incredible, even more so than usual. Her blue hair was barely visible, all tucked up under her red beanie. It added to the bundled-up look she seemed to be going for, with a dark grey scarf bundled around the collar of her navy peacoat, and thick leggings sticking out the bottom to cover her legs. Liam knew it had to be something with make-up that made her eyes look so inviting, but he had no clue exactly what his friend had done. Her lips seemed a deeper red than usual.

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