Part XVIII: Friends in the Shower

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XVIII: Blake

Blake didn't have to see Liam's face to know that Marie was standing in the doorway, likely as wide-eyed as she was. She hadn't really even wanted Liam in here in the first place, but she knew Marie might not see it that way.

"Marie," she called, "I think Liam might be just be using you as his beard. I've been trying to seduce him for like the past hour and he hasn't even tried to take a peek at my tits. He must have a secret stash of boner pills for whenever you guys do it."

Liam's face went bright red, eyes bulging, but Marie's laughter triggered a sigh of relief from Blake. She decided to push further and give Liam an opening to get out of explaining himself.

"Can you get Liam out so you can help me, by the way? I need to take a shower but I'm so sore, I don't think I can stand in the tub on my own."

Liam shot her a quick glance and Blake winked in reply. A moment later, he was on his feet, but Blake thought she heard a grunt and some soft moans before the door shut.

"He's gone," Marie said, "Alright if I pull back the curtain?"


The hooks clattered on the shower rod as Marie came into view, and Blake blinked.

Marie's blonde hair hung down to her shoulders in a calculated mess of waves, and a magenta dress clung to her skin, accentuating her subtle curves and lean figure. Blake had more curves than her friend, but Marie had the slim underwear model look down, if missing a few inches in height. She looked a little flushed, but even without that, Blake would have known her friend had had at least a few drinks given where she'd come from.

"Damn," she breathed, "I knew you got dressed up for sorority events, but...damn, Marie."

Blake's friend blushed and giggled at the complement. Then she raised an eyebrow at Blake, "Do I want to know?"

Blake shrugged, "I needed a bath and Liam wanted to talk. I told him he could either wait or talk from the other side of the curtain."

Marie snorted, "You guys are so weird. He said he did that with one of the girls on his floor earlier this year, but she was soaking her legs in cocoa butter or something like that."

Blake shook her head. That explained why he hadn't been as jumpy as usual.

"You don't really need to help me up, Marie," Blake said, gripping the edges of the tub, "I just wanted to mess with Liam a bit."

Marie giggled at that, then her lips curled into a devious grin, "Want to mess with him even more?"

Blake raised an eyebrow, "What did you have in mind?"

Marie shrugged, "I need a shower too if I'm going to reward Liam for staying over tonight."

Blake held back a frown at the spike of envy she felt toward Marie right then.

"He might get some ideas if we both come out of the shower at the same time with wet hair," Marie continued.

Blake had to laugh at that, though it was cut short by the pulse in her pussy that followed. Knowing the effect that would have on Liam was a heady feeling and wondering where his imagination might go at the sight was dangerous.

"Take off your dress and hop in then," Blake said, unstopping the drain and switching the flow of water from the bath faucet to the shower head. An attempt at reaching up to actually turn on the water, however, left her sloshing backward in the water.

"Fuck," she breathed, taking the tie out of her now-wet hair as Marie giggled, "I might need some help after all."

Water sloshed behind Blake, and twisted in surprise, stilly unused to this bolder side of her friend. Blake blinked when she found her face not far from Marie's bare pussy. She had to shake herself to keep her oversexed mind from carrying things too far as Marie extended her hands to help Blake up, then steadied her once she was on her feet.

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