Part XXI: A Kiss Between Friends

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XXI: Blake

"Irony" was the perfect word to describe Blake's Friday night. Unlike the past few weeks, she hadn't gone out, and she had finished up all her classwork for the weekend early. She didn't have a show until tomorrow, and she was in no mood to game. Instead, Liam occupied Blake's thoughts, and the stupid boy wasn't even there!

Stupid Liam had been on her mind since the annoyingly wonderful disaster that had been last weekend, and neither he nor Marie had helped much.

Liam had been his wonderfully sweet self whenever they walked to and from class, or whenever he was over here. She was no longer able to hold back as much from hugging him whenever she could make up an excuse. That he hugged her whenever he saw her only encouraged her brain to continue. Every time she had her arms around him, Blake's hands had itched to squeeze the muscles of his back. Or just squeeze his ass. He had stayed over and made dinner for them all—even Sophie—two nights this week, and that hadn't helped either.

Marie, on the other hand, had been strangely friendly, sitting and talking or eating or doing homework together when Blake wasn't doing shows, and asking how her shows had gone when she realized Blake had just finished one. They had also ended up showering together.

A lot.

They hadn't repeated Saturday night's strange experience in the shower, but Marie was always flirty and found an excuse to wash Blake's backside. Her hands always seemed to linger on Blake's ass, and Marie had no problem being completely naked in front of Blake anymore, though she usually wore at least a towel when not in the bathroom. Or one of Liam's big T-shirts that he'd left over. Blake was a bit chagrinned over how jealous that sight made her feel. That, and the fact that she'd been tempted to go into Marie's room and find one to steal when she was out. That would be fun to try and explain.

Marie, unfortunately, was the biggest part of Blake's dilemma. That Liam's girlfriend was her roommate was bad enough, but Blake and Marie had been close when they'd first met, and now they were far closer, growing more so every day. If Liam's girlfriend had just been some random person Blake had never met, she didn't think she would feel as guilty at some of the ideas that had passed through her mind over the last few days as she tried to find a solution for her problem. One of which had been to simply pull Liam aside after class one day and tell how him she felt and that she would fuck him until his dick couldn't get hard anymore if he simply broke up with his girlfriend and asked to spend the night with her. That didn't work so well when that girl was her friend and roommate. And because Liam was such an annoyingly good person.

A knock at Blake's door pulled her from her thoughts. She gave the door a curious glance before striding over to open it. Marie smiled at her from the other side.

"What's up?" Blake asked. Marie was very dressed up, wearing an orange slip dress that stopped just inches below her ass and clung to her slim figure. She'd done up her smoky eyes to complement the dress's color, though it didn't look like she had done anything with her hair yet, as it was pulled back in a messy ponytail, "Going out tonight?"

Marie shrugged, "I was supposed to with Liam and a few of his friends, but he mixed up the due dates on two projects of his and had to cancel on me."

Blake snorted. That explained a few sporadic texts she'd gotten from him today.

"You look like you're planning on going without him," Blake observed.

"I was actually hoping you would go with me," Marie said, "I haven't been out dancing in a while, and I always had fun when we would go out together."

Blake pursed her lips for a moment. She hadn't really wanted to go out again so soon, but she hadn't really planned on doing anything else...

Marie flashed big puppy-dog eyes at her, and Blake sighed, "Fine, you win. You okay going to a gay club, though? Less guys there to recognize me and the girls that do are usually less creepy."

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