Part LXXV: What If I Just Stayed?

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LXXV: Blake

As Blake ran her hands over Liam's naked body, massaging his muscles as he'd massaged hers just a few minutes ago, a naughty idea popped into her still-horny mind. She shifted back a bit, straddling his calves instead of his thighs, giving her better access—and a better view of—Liam's wonderful butt as her hands worked their way down his back, fingers kneading as they went. She still didn't think it was entirely fair that he had such a round, juicy booty when she had to kill herself in the gym and down gross protein shakes twice a day just to make the progress she had. Her own butt wasn't bad—she was actually quite happy with it lately.

Liam's is just...

She gave it a little squeeze, making Liam twitch.

Fucking incredible.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Blake's cheeks grew hot, but she gave his cheeks another squeeze, then began kneading the firm flesh, "Yes, actually."

Liam just chuckled, relaxing back into her bed as she continued touching his wonderful butt. She didn't miss the subtle arch of his back or the goosebumps that broke out on his thighs and back as she varied her touches. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when she felt Liam press his ass back into her hands.

That's promising.

Blake continued kneading his ass for a bit, just enjoying herself. Once she felt Liam was comfortable enough, she moved her hands down and a bit inward. With her thumbs, she separated his cheeks a bit as she kneaded, gripping his thighs with her other fingers, giving her a nice view of the puckered skin of his asshole. Blake grinned at the lack of reaction on Liam's part and continued to knead like that for a bit. She "accidentally" let her thumbs brush a bit close a few times, but other than a little twitch, Liam didn't seem to mind.

Oh, that's going to be fun.

Blake's moved down to Liam's thighs, though her eyes stayed fixed on Liam's juicy bubble butt as she thought of the fun she could have with it.

She was still wet enough from earlier that another time, Blake might have nipped at his ass or reached underneath him to grab his cock. Even as she thought of it, her pussy twitched.

For the moment, however, Blake just wanted to touch and be close to Liam.

When she finished massaging him, Blake cuddled up next to him in a position that allowed her to rest her head on one of his butt cheeks. It made for a wonderful pillow.

"That's going to be a thing now, isn't it?"

Blake snorted, "As long as you have an ass like this, yes. Don't act like you haven't wanted to do that with my ass."

Liam chuckled, "Fair enough."

They lay there in silence for a few minutes. Blake smiled to herself, enjoying the closeness and their comfortable silence. After a while, however, she felt the desire to be closer to Liam.

Sitting upright, Blake scooted over alongside Liam, then laid herself down next to him on her back. He looked over at her, grinning, then moved a bit closer, resting an arm between her breasts and cupping her face with that hand.

He kissed her. It wasn't chaste, but languorous. Content. It made Blake feel as though she was curled up in a blanket next to a roaring fire. She whimpered a bit when he finally pulled back, but his eyes soothed her, bringing a contented smile back to her face.

"I was a little nervous when you agreed to be mine, you know."

Liam raised an eyebrow, "What did you have to be nervous about once I said yes?"

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