Part XI: Chocolate Insomnia

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XI: Blake and Liam


Sleep, it turned out, did not want Blake as much as she wanted it. Not tonight.

Her mind just wouldn't quiet. Even curled up next to Chloe as she was, feeling safe and warm beneath the blankets in her friend's embrace, the knot in her stomach hadn't left completely. It certainly hadn't helped that she'd been able to hear Liam and Marie going at it when she and Chloe got back. Blake's friend, wonderful as always, had rushed them into her room and given her a hug and a kiss. Blake had almost been weak enough to kiss her back. It wouldn't have been a big deal, not normally. She and Chloe still made out occasionally, usually when alcohol was involved, or to fuck with boys, but they never let it get emotional, and Blake was still far too emotional for that right now.

With a muffled huff, she carefully extracted herself from the blankets and Chloe's arms, making sure not to wake her friend.

I need chocolate. Chocolate and sleepy-time tea.

Blake threw on a hoodie over her blue thong and knee-highs and quietly stepped out into the apartment's main space. It was dark, but her eyes had adjusted enough, and there was enough ambient light through the for her to see. It was also quiet, thankfully. Liam and Marie seemed to have finally fallen asleep, and Sophie hardly ever came out of her room save for class, food, and the gym. The girl was nice, but she seemed to just forget that people existed every now and then. With her Poly-sci and English double major, Blake couldn't really blame her, though.

Rather than use the noisy coffee machine to brew her tea, Blake filled a sauce pot and set it atop the stove, then got some chocolate from her private stash. The chocolates probably would have been safer if kept in her room, but Blake knew the limits of her self-control, and chocolate significantly strained her will power. Her appearance was large part of her meal ticket for the time being, and chub and acne wouldn't exactly help that.

After retrieving a few chocolate squares from her stash, Blake unwrapped one and took a bite. A soft moan escaped her lips at the sweetness of the milk chocolate and the dripping salted caramel that oozed from within. Blake closed her eyes and leaned back against the fridge, savoring the taste of each bite as she nibbled her way through the square.

Yeah...definitely better than sex.

A soft click from across the room made Blake's heart jump into her throat, and she dashed to put herself between the chocolates on the counter and the rest of the room. Marie would not know she had sweets stashed somewhere in the kitchen.

It wasn't Marie who crept out into the main room, closing the door just as quietly as he had opened it, but Liam. This one time, Blake thought she would have preferred Marie.

Once the door was closed, Liam looked around the room, and gave a start, blinking when his eyes settled on her. She gave a nervous wave, "Hey."

Liam started to say something, but a yawn interrupted him, and he raised a hand to his mouth, stretching as he did so.

Blake's cheeks went hot at the motion, and even hotter when a strangled noise rose up from her throat.

Dammit, Liam! I do not need to see any of that!

Liam, likely not expecting anyone else to be awake, had left Marie's room wearing only his boxers. Boxer briefs to be specific. Tight ones. And it seemed he was a show-er.

Fuck, for Marie's sake I hope he's a show-er.

The rest of him wasn't helping either. According to Liam, he'd been thin as a rail when he'd met Marie, but she wouldn't have known it now. He didn't have the body of an athlete, no rippling abs or anything that appeared chiseled, but he didn't have a lot of fat on him either. Chest and broad shoulders weren't oversized, but still pretty heavy with muscle that continued on down his arms. Long arms. And legs.

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