Part IX: A Night In

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IX: Liam

Liam gave his girlfriend a curious look as she locked the door behind them, "What are you doing? I thought we were going out tonight."

Marie said nothing. Instead, she walked back over to him and gave him a kiss that left his breathing labored.

"We're not going out tonight, babe." Marie said, "I just wanted to surprise you, and I wanted you to dress up for me." She started playing with the buttons of his shirt, "You look really good by the way."

Liam grinned, "Thanks. You look...Incredible."

Marie giggled, undoing the top few buttons of his shirt, "Why thank you. You like my bra, I noticed."

Liam nodded, his mouth suddenly a little dry, "Yeah, I—yeah."

Marie laughed, her hands moving further down his shirt, undoing the buttons as they went. She began kissing the exposed flesh of his chest and stomach as she revealed it, lips leaving a warm trail down his skin. When she got to his jeans, Marie reached down and felt his crotch. She looked up and gave him a knowing look, "It looks like you really like my outfit."

Without waiting for a response from Liam, she dropped to her heels and pulled down his jeans, purring as she ran her hand over the exposed tent of his underwear, "Mmm, hello there."

Liam watched as Marie carefully pulled the boxers down over his hardening cock, then yanked them and his jeans down to his ankles. He noticed Marie lick her lips, making his cock twitch, before she looked up at him and began licking his cock. It seemed that she had quickly come to enjoy giving him blowjobs since the first time she had given him one, and if possible, she had enjoyed them even more now that she could deepthroat him and make him cum with only her mouth. Over the past week, she found him between classes and taken to some secluded area so she could blow him. Each time she swallowed every drop of his cum, and when he came over to her room after each of those times, she had him eat her out in return, but Liam did not mind that at all—he loved eating her out.

Despite that, Liam still went wide eyed when Marie stopped licking his cock and took it in her mouth, going all the way down until her nose rested against his pubic bone. Her mouth was so warm, so wonderfully wet. It wasn't as incredible as her pussy, but her tongue did things to his shaft and balls that her pussy could not. Marie gripped his thighs and began bobbing her head up and down on his length, and Liam leaned back on his elbows and enjoyed the feeling of his girlfriend's mouth wrapped around him.

Just when Liam felt himself getting close, however, Marie stopped. She stood and kicked off her heels, but instead of stripping, she just hiked the dress up a bit, and climbed onto the bed with Liam between her legs. When Marie stopped, her pussy hovering inches from his face, Liam breathed in her scent and grinned. She smelled clean, and her pussy was already glistening with arousal.

"I want you to taste how wet your cock made me," Marie said.

Liam complied eagerly, grabbing an ass cheek in each hand and using them to anchor himself as he leaned up toward her juicy folds. He gave the nether lips a slow, broad lick, eliciting a moan and shudder from Marie, before diving in. He could feel his cock throbbing as he ate Marie's pussy—he had yet to find something that made him harder than when he ate her out. Even when it was not quite as fresh as it was now, he loved her taste, and loved that he was the only one that got to taste it. As his tongue laved Marie's soft folds and his hands gently kneaded her ass, Liam had an idea. He almost didn't even consider it—a month ago he wouldn't have—but Marie's recent adventurousness made him believe she would like it.

Pushing gently on her ass, positioning her so that her pussy was over his forehead rather than his mouth, Liam licked at the very bottom of Marie's pussy for a minute, then moved and licked her puckered starfish.

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