Part XL: Something Special

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XL: Liam and Blake


Liam paced in Marie's room, trying to distract himself from the noises coming from the other side of the door and the discomfort they caused in his pants. He'd forgotten his earbuds. Of course. And he hadn't been able to find any of Marie's, either.

They had stopped for a bit after Liam heard what he thought was a second, particularly loud orgasm, though Liam had found himself unable to keep images of Blake writhing in pleasure from running through his mind. Then they'd started up again and he'd sworn he heard his name.


Moaning his name.

And Liam's erection had just begun to subside, thoughts of her fading from his mind.

Once he'd heard his name like that, Liam's mind had gone into overdrive.

Was she trying to mess with him? She'd said she wasn't going to play nice anymore. Had she just been thinking about him when she was with Chloe? Did she often think about him during sex? Or when masturbating?

Then had come the mental images, eventually leading to Liam pacing as he was now.

He'd seen Blake like that before—he'd even seen the video of her and Chloe—but that was through a screen. She'd just been some girl—if an incredibly cute, hot girl—on a screen that he'd gotten off to a few times.

Now she was just across the apartment from him. She'd been only feet away from him earlier, nothing separating them but air.

A bang sounded outside, interrupting Liam's train of thought. A second one followed, and Liam's eyes bulged.

Marie. Fuck. What would she think of him listening to that? And Blake's door was probably still open. Should he close it?

Liam strode quickly out into the main room. Either way, he should get Marie and whichever of the girl's she brought back out of the main room and into the bedroom as quickly as possible.

He turned the corner to find Marie with both Leah and Alice. He took one glance at them, then Blake's open door—taking care not to look beyond the door—the carefully pushed it closed with his foot. When he turned back to his girlfriend and the girls she had brought back with her, they were still...entangled.

Marie was making out feverishly with Leah while Alice, pressed up against the wall behind Marie, was leaving a trail of kisses and nips along Marie's slender neck.

Though the door was closed now, it didn't do much to dampen the noises coming from Blake's room. Did they get louder?

Liam raised a hand toward the knot of girls, then, feeling awkward, cleared his throat. He had to do it twice more—rising significantly in volume both times—to get their attention.

When they turned to him, Liam could tell by their smiles—or by Marie's at least—that they were all a little tipsy.

"Liam!" Marie said, eyes lighting up as she closed the distance between them. She pressed her lips against his own, hands traveling up his back then down to squeeze his ass before he could even get a word in.

The kiss did leave Liam breathless, but when he noticed Leah and Alice giggling and pressing their ears to Blake's door, he frowned.

He hid it quickly, however, when Marie gazed up at him. She followed his eyes, though, and after starting between Blake's door and the two girls for a moment, her eyes went wide. She brought a hand to her mouth in an unsuccessful attempt to stifle her laughter, "Oh, shit! Blake's being so fucking loud!" Then she grinned at Liam, grabbing and him and Alice and tugging them toward their room, "Should we try to be louder?"

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