Part XXXI: It Hurt Too Damn Much

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XXXI: Blake



"For letting me suck your cock," she said, unable to keep herself from grinning at her mental picture of what is expression must be, "It was really fun. We should definitely do that again some time."

Liam said something after that, but the words were too fuzzed and ephemeral for Blake's mind to register. She didn't fall asleep, exactly. She more...floated. The sensation seemed oddly familiar for some reason.

Then Blake found herself stepping out of Liam's bathroom, a towel tied around her waist, bikini hanging up behind her on the shower. Well—bikini bottoms, at least. Teasing Liam while they swam in her pool had been too tempting to resist. She just hadn't tied it tight enough. Once it came off...well...he'd already seen much more than just her tits. After that, there was no reason for her to cover up now.

As Blake stepped into her bedroom, she frowned at the sight of Liam on her bed, looking at his phone. The jerk was wearing pants! A towel would have been much easier for Blake to just rip off.

Thinking about that reminded Blake of her throbbing pussy and its current predicament.

After she had made Liam cum in her mouth two weeks ago, Blake had fallen asleep next to him before she could satisfy her pussy. Once Liam had left the next day, she'd wanted to spend the rest of her Sunday using the memory of Liam's cock in her mouth as fuel to play with her pussy until she grew dangerously low on bodily fluids.

Then her mind had come up with a wonderful idea. A stupid idea, but a wonderful one.

Blake planned to fuck Liam, but she knew her friend well. He wouldn't truly enjoy sex with her unless he got her off. That she had managed to give him a handjob and suck him off without him trying to do anything for her had been pure luck, and likely only due to the combination of shock and exhaustion on Liam's part.

It wasn't that Blake didn't want Liam to touch her, but she had wanted to take things slow, and Blake knew that Liam touching her pussy any more than he had in the shower last week would flick a switch in Blake that could only be turned back off by Liam's cock pounding away in her pussy.

That was also why she had avoided kissing him so far. Teasing him was all well and good but kissing Liam had always seemed too real.

Until now.

Blake rubbed her thighs together at that thought. Keeping herself on the edge without giving herself any satisfaction whatsoever when it seemed that Blake would have to wait five days tops if her grandparents didn't go out for the night sooner. TWO WHOLE FUCKING WEEKS, however, had been far too long.

Drawing herself up, Blake threw off her towel and strode toward the bed, plopping on her side next to Liam.


Liam turned, then froze, eyes raking over her body. Blake grinned. He didn't try to look away out of some stupid sense of decency. He knew she liked it when he looked at her. Liam's eyes reached hers and Blake's eyes bulged as she actually gasped from how hard her pussy clenched at the desire in his eyes.

"Hey," he said, voice sending shivers through Blake's body.

Fuck. Is this him? Or is this the result of no orgasms for two whole weeks? If it was the latter...Blake might have to try that again sometime in the future.

Provided she wasn't so on edge that she just passed out from pleasure the moment Liam so much as touched her, of course.

"Can you take those off?" She asked, gesturing at his pants.

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