Part LIV: Worth It

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LIV: Blake and Liam


Blake checked her phone for the fifth time as she waited outside the music building. Liam wasn't late—he was hopefully just getting out of class—Blake had just left too early. Her anxiety was definitely Liam's fault though.

Who the fuck sends a text like that, anyway? Blake thought, growling to herself.

"Hey, can you meet me after class? I want to talk," was all he had said. Even when she'd asked which class and where to meet him—though she had already memorized Liam's schedule at this point—he hadn't given her anything else to go on.

She knew it was about them. Her ultimatum.

It better be, Blake thought, Only a few days left until he leaves for Thanksgiving and I'm busy every one of them.

Though she'd tried to play it off whenever she was with Liam, the longer he went without bringing this up, the more nervous Blake grew. Especially since he hadn't said anything about the show she'd watched or three other snippets he'd watched since then.

Blake pulled out her phone again. Maybe she'd text him.

If he doesn't bring it up, I might just scream.

"Hey, Blake."

Blake jumped, then spun around to glare at Liam.

"Ass," she grumbled, trying to keep a straight face. It was hard. More and more often, whenever Blake looked at him, her brain got all mushy and gross and all she could think about was wrapping her arms and legs around him and kissing him.

Liam just grinned at her, "Jumpy?"

"Only when people sneak up on me."

Liam rolled his eyes, "Because you would never do the same to me?"

Blake sniffed, "Of course not."

"Sure," Liam said dryly. He motioned toward the east end of campus, "Come on, you mind walking a bit?"

Blake eyed Liam but nodded and fell into step next to him.

"So, you said you wanted to talk?" She asked.

He nodded, smiling, "And maybe grab something to eat if you're hungry."

Blake's mouth drew to a thin line, "That sounds good, what did you want to talk about?"

"I think most of the talking will be on you," Liam said, "I'm fine with it, by the way."

Blake was growing quite irritated, "Fine with what?"

Liam stopped and Blake saw his eyes dart around them before he looked down at her.

"I can deal it," he said, meeting her gaze, voice soft, "With you—" he paused glancing around again, "—doing what you do. I think I'm pretty much okay with everything, and if anything comes up, I'll make myself okay with it." He smiled down at her, "You're worth it."

Blake blinked up at Liam, "What?"

He raised an eyebrow, expression falling a bit, "You alright? I thought you'd be happy."

"I—" Blake started, but words failed her. Her mouth was suddenly very dry. Everything felt tight. Her throat, her jaw, her chest.

You're worth it.

Those few, simple words shouldn't have this kind of effect on her. She knew she was worth it. She was smart, disciplined, funny, kick-ass in video games, hot as fuck...

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