Part LVIII: Not Enough? Or Too Much?

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LVIII: Blake

Blake sighed, leaning back against the shower wall as the hot water cascaded down her head to warm the rest of her body. She breathed in deep the steamy air as it began to rise, eyes closed. Her pussy still tingled from the night's show, but it wanted more. Tonight, she was inclined to give it some.

Once her body was thoroughly wet with hot water, the air sufficiently thick with steam, Blake grabbed the shampoo, squirting a little more than she normally did. Products that worked with her hair were expensive, but Blake wanted to be extra sudsy today for some reason. She lathered up her hands, then tangled soapy fingers in her hair, closing her eyes again, imagining Liam's hands in her hair.

As it usually did since that night, the memory of Marie massaging Blake's scalp floated through her mind. Blake didn't dwell on that but tried not to feel bad about it anymore. Those situations hadn't been the bad ones. They'd just led to her fuck-up.

Thinking about that, however, brought up thoughts of Marie. Blake tried to push those thoughts from her mind, but her curiosity worked against her.

Last night, after furiously getting herself off again to the memory of her kiss with Liam, Blake had heard noises coming from Marie's room. At first, she'd just written them off as Marie masturbating or having found a rebound, but before retreating into her room the night before, Blake had been certain she'd heard two distinct female voices.

That intrigued Blake.

As fuzzy as her head had been the night she and Marie had fucked, Blake had been very certain that Marie leaned further to the straight side of the spectrum. Or at least more toward the "I like cock" side. Blake had expected her roommate's rebound to be some hunky guy that looked either strangely similar to Liam or the complete opposite, but to each their own.

Stop thinking about Marie. You're supposed to be thinking about Liam and that kiss and how fucking amazing he is and what you're going to do to him when you don't have to hold back anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Blake tipped her head back under the water, alternating between raking her fingers through her hair and massaging her scalp as though she were trying to break apart any thoughts of Marie that rose up. In her mind, Liam's hands replaced hers. He stood behind her and slightly to the side so that he didn't block the water while he tangled his fingers in her hair, getting out all the shampoo as he gave her an incredible scalp massage. His strong fingers broke apart all her stress, the water sloughing it away with the suds of her product. Then he moved onto the conditioner, moving closer and blocking the water this time. He let Blake lean against him, feeling his hard, toned body against her back, his hard cock like a thick steel rod pressed up against her ass.

Blake's pussy spasmed at that, hungry to finally have Liam's cock inside it.

You'll get it soon enough.

Liam's hands moved down to her neck once he'd finished lathering her hair with the conditioner. He let it sit as his strong thumbs worked through the knots in her neck, then her shoulders. Stretching kept her relatively knot-free, but there was only so much she could do to combat stress.

A low moan slipped free as Liam's thumb hit just the right spot; Blake shivered despite the part of her mind that told her she massaged her neck, not Liam. She shoved that part of her mind further back. Reality had decided to be annoyingly inconvenient for the next few days.

Liam, not Blake, grabbed the soap next, squirting a generous glob into his hands before running soapy hands over her shoulders and down her back, his hands pressing firmly enough for her to know he was taking in every curve and ridge of her back. Blake wanted to kiss him so bad--she could still feel his lips on hers if she concentrated enough--but Liam wouldn't let her. He was having his fun, getting back at Blake for all the times she'd teased him. That made her pussy wetter, more needy. As much as Blake wanted to push Liam down on her bed, floor, the couch--really any surface that would hold their combined weight--and ride him until he couldn't cum anymore, Blake thought she might cum on the spot if Liam told her that he'd decided to teach her a lesson for all the teasing she'd put him through. In her current uber horny, sexually not-quite-satisfied for the last few months state, at least.

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