Part LXV: Won't It Be Special Anyway?

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LXV: Liam and Blake


Liam smiled down at Blake. Holding her in his arms like this felt right. She was so soft, so small.

No, not small. She's the perfect size.

Certain things while standing might prove difficult, but she was the perfect size to curl up against him like this. Though his cock was almost painfully hard as it pressed against her.

In an attempt to ignore that, Liam leaned down to kiss Blake once more. The smile he caught just before their lips met sent a warmth through him. He breathed in deep as he kissed Blake, inhaling her scent. Her fresh, sweet taste, the citrus of her perfume and the heavy scent of her arousal all mixed together in his head to form something that was just Blake. His cock throbbed, though Liam didn't know whether it was due to that mix of flavors or the feeling of Blake against him, clutching at him as she kissed him back.

When he broke the kiss this time, Liam kissed Blake's forehead, breathing in deep again.

Fuck, she smells good.

Liam was glad Blake seemed to like it when he did that. A part of him wanted to just cuddle with her like this until they both fell asleep. He knew, however, that sleep wouldn't come easily with his cock throbbing like this. He also wanted to feel Blake's mouth again.

Remembering those sensations made his cock twitch, and Blake grinned up at him, hand sneaking down between them to wrap around his cock, "Getting a little impatient?"

Liam opened his mouth to protest, but Blake silenced him with another kiss, this one a bit hungrier than the last two.

"Do you know the first time I came while thinking about you?" She asked, voice breathy as she broke the kiss.

Liam shook his head, "The night you hugged me while wearing only a towel?"

Blake's cheeks darkened a bit, but the smile remained on her face as she shook her head, "Not even close."

Liam raised an eyebrow, "Earlier?"

Blake nodded, extricating herself from his arms. She pushed him onto his back before retreating toward his throbbing erection. Her eyes didn't leave his.

"It was right after we met. I was wondering what you'd been thinking about when you spaced out, wondering if you'd been thinking of a particular show. That got me wet. I told you already that I had a plug in that day—that didn't help."

"Oh fuck," Liam hissed, both at her words and her soft, slim fingers curling around the base of his cock. She lowered her head and gave the underside a long, firm lick. Liam shuddered.

Fuck, she already figured out what feels good for me.

"Since I was horny and didn't have anything to do that day," Blake continued, "I decided to cum and just get it out of my system."

She traced the veins of his cock with the tip of her tongue like she had before, sending shivers through Liam. His cock throbbed at her teasing.

She's teased you pretty much every chance she got since you met her, why would she stop now. Besides, it's not like you don't like it.

"I almost used one of my toys, but you kept running through my head. I don't know whether it was because you were sweet, not getting all cold or judge-y when you realized who I was, or how embarrassed you got when I caught your slip-up," She kissed the tip of his cock, eyes twinkling, before swirling her tongue around the swollen head, "Or your eyes, or how hot you were, or the way your cologne made me want to bite your neck when I whispered in your ear—"

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