Part XIV: No Names

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XIV: Blake

Blake felt drunk with arousal by the time they made it to the brunette's apartment. Not buzzed, but drunk as a skunk. The short walk had seemed both agonizingly long and not long enough. Blake had yet to cum tonight, but the brunette had made sure to tease her the entire way from the club. She tweaked her nipples, squeezed her ass, stopped to make out with her, and occasionally would brush her fingers over Blake's dripping pussy or press on the plug in her ass. A few times she dipped slender fingers between Blake's nether lips before pressing them into Blake's mouth to suck, and once she even pulled Blake's dress up enough for the streetlights to occasionally shine off the plug's base. Blake had felt in a cloud the entire time, responding to the tongue and fingers that gave her pleasure. Some annoying little part of her kept trying to break through that cloud, but every time it seemed about to do so, shocks of pleasure brought by the brunette chased it away.

A lock clicked shut behind Blake, then soft, hungry lips were on hers once more. Blake tried her best to respond, to give as good as she got, but her mind could only focus so much. She needed to cum so bad.

A moment later, Blake was on a bed, the cool sheets a welcome contrast to the heat in her body. There was shuffling beside her, then two fingers running across her netherlips.

Blake moaned, loudly. Some part of her knew she didn't have to keep quiet anymore, and a throaty chuckle from the brunette confirmed it.

When the fingers dipped into Blake's pussy, the sensation filling Blake's mind, her heart began to race.

Finally. Finally, I can—

A strangled whimper escaped Blake's throat when the fingers pulled out, but a moment later, those fingers were in Blake's mouth, the taste clouding her mind even further.

The bed shifted as Blake sucked contentedly on those fingers, then a whisper reached her ears.

"Do you like the taste of pussy, slut?"

Before Blake could mumble an answer, the fingers left her mouth. She stretched her neck forward, starting to rise, without realizing it, when two hands took her by the wrists and pressed them to the bed behind her head.

Blake's eyes opened, blinking rapidly, and she found a shadow looming over her in the dim light of the room.

As her eyes adjusted, they widened.

The brunette knelt above Blake, straddling her face with smooth, muscular thighs Blake wanted to run her hands over. They met at a bare pussy already spread and glistening with juices, below a taut, flat stomach. The brunette grinned down at her lustily from above a pair of sizable breasts, especially for the amount of muscle on the girl.

"Since I've been so good to you," the girl said, "You're going to eat me out, then I'll fuck you with my strapon till you scream."

Blake whimpered at the images that flashed through her mind. Then a hot, wet pussy was millimeters away from her mouth. Blake stretched her face forward, tongue darting out to taste the taller girl's slit, but as soon as they connected, the brunette's hips dropped, pushing Blake back into the bed, and began to grind on her face.

Some tiny voice in the back of Blake's mind protested she should be annoyed, that she shouldn't even be doing this, but one very important factor overrode those objections: Blake needed to cum.

Thankfully, Blake loved eating pussy, and her mouth moved on instinct as the brunette ground her pussy on Blake's face. Blake thrust her tongue between the wet lips, letting the taste and scent of sweat and the brunette's tangy juices wash over her, feeding her arousal.

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