Part LX: You're Gonna Need To Lock The Door

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LX: Blake and Liam


Blake leaned back against the sink, watching as Liam chopped up the half-onion with an expertise that belonged on a cooking channel. Unfortunately, at the moment, she was too shocked to enjoy the sight before her or poke fun at Liam for crying while cutting the onion.

"You're staying," she said, still not entirely believing.

"Yes," Liam said, sniffing, "I thought I covered that when I walked in. Fuck, why do onions have to be in everything I like to cook?"

The corner of Blake's mouth twitched at the comment, but she still couldn't believe Liam's answer. She wanted to reach out and touch him. To make sure he was real--that she hadn't passed out after doing her work and was in the middle of a pitifully desperate fantasy. Not only did Blake not trust herself to touch Liam after that kiss, however--her pussy was dripping wet, her ass pulsed around the plug, and she was still only wearing a thin robe that she had to keep just right to keep her rock-hard nipples from poking through--but an irrational part of her feared that he would vanish if she tried. That she would wake up and find out that this really had been just a daydream.

"Why?" Blake asked.

Something of her disbelief and fear must have come out in the word. Liam froze for a moment, then set the knife down and wiped an arm across his face before turning to face Blake. He squinted a bit, eyes red, before taking his shirt and pulling the hem up to his face to wipe at his eyes.

Blake thought he cursed again, but she couldn't be sure. His shirt was up only for a few seconds, but that few seconds gave Blake the first view of Liam's abs she'd had since Friday when she'd spent the night?

Fuck, has it really only been a few days?

Sometimes it seemed like it had been weeks since that night, while others it seemed like mere hours.

You're worth it.

Remembering Liam's words sent an incredible warmth through Blake, as it had every time she'd thought about them since hearing them come from Liam's lips.

I thought he'd just meant he thought I was worth dealing with everything that comes along with being a camgirl. Did he mean more than that?

Blake shuddered when Liam's fingers brushed her cheek. Electricity flowed through her from the spots of contact, making her tingly as she looked up to meet Liam's gaze. Once those incredible blue eyes held her own, his hand cupping her cheek, Blake had to bite her tongue to keep a moan from slipping out.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked, voice soft, "You're not the only one who would be going crazy over break if I'd gone home."

"But what about your family? The cost of the flight? You can't just cancel on them last--"

"Blake," Liam said softly, cutting her off, "I didn't just decide not to fly home today."

Blake blinked, "You didn't?"

Liam shook his head, smiling, "Remember the day you were late to class because you were--" Liam cut off as his cheeks turned red. He cleared his throat before continuing, "Uh, thinking about me?"

Blake's own cheeks grew hot as she remembered that day. Her pussy remembered too, throbbing with the same need that had distracted her on that morning.

Fuck, fuck, not good. Liam is way too close to me right now. Especially his face. His perfect, stupid face. And his lips. Oh, fuck, his lips.

Blake shook herself. Fuck, when did my heart start pounding like that? No. Focus!

"That long ago?" she asked, unable to move away from Liam. His hand still cupped her cheek though Blake didn't remember when he'd started rubbing his thumb back and forth.

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