Part XXIV: Dreaming of Dick

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XXIV Blake:

Blake shut the door on Marie with fifteen minutes to spare until her show started. Turning around and leaning against the door, Blake found herself sliding down it to huddle on the floor, shoulders sagging in relief as she sighed.

Once again, Liam had to be annoyingly wonderful, texting Marie with a request to go downtown and get some lunch and walk around the shops. Blake had jumped at the chance to help Marie get ready for date, as too many possibilities of what Marie might do with nothing to distract her once Blake began her show had floated through her head. Marie could have gone on her own computer and watched Blake's show, could have asked Blake to watch like she did that one time that seemed years in the past. Blake had even imagined Marie asking to join in. She knew that one was ridiculous, yet with what had happened the night before, her mind wouldn't let it go completely, and she felt shitty for thinking that of her friend.

With another deep breath, Blake pushed herself up from the floor and set up her streaming equipment, double-checking everything as usual just to make sure she didn't have to deal with any malfunctions or distractions during her show. She had decided to wear just a long T-shirt that fit tight across her chest, and some knee-high socks. Marie had wanted Blake to dress up in some lacy lingerie, complete with garter stockings, but Blake had been too wet for panties. If she was going to strip them off anyway, why damage them? Especially a fancy pair. Once she'd made that decision though, Marie had started teasing her. Gentle pats on the ass, pulling up Blake's knee-highs with excruciating slowness, running her hands through her hair, far too many looks with the "fuck-me" eyes Marie seemed to have mastered--things Blake couldn't protest more than half-heartedly even though they worked all too well.

Though she wasn't dripping wet, Blake wanted something inside her. Or to start touching herself at the very least. She had forgone a plug this time knowing Marie would want to "help" her put it in, and the idea of that had made Blake shudder after all Marie's teasing. She would have let her, and if Marie had asked, Blake would have let her warm up her ass for the plug with her tongue. Once Marie put the plug in, Blake likely would have started playing with herself, or asked Marie to start fucking her ass with the plug. She might not have even asked, instead just moving her ass back and forth against the plug while Marie held it.

Growling under her breath, Blake shook herself again, trying to clear her head. She could touch herself all she wanted once she started her show and got people tipping.

Holding out was hard.

Blake summoned up her customary peppiness to start her show, putting out notifications on her social platforms to get as many people in the room as she could, and waited for the number of viewers to rise. She was glad that it was a weekend, as she had a relatively strict no-private chat policy on weekends. Sometimes her private requestors wanted to watch her play with herself or dirty talk or a host of kinkier or usually just incredibly specific sex-acts, but a lot of times they just wanted to talk with her. Some of them were a little creepy, and some were genuinely nice. All of them were lonely. Blake sympathized with that, and often wished she could find them and set them up some girl that would give them what they needed. The best she could usually do was treat them like anyone else and slip in some indirect hints and advice.

Today though, Blake knew she wouldn't have the patience for that. Today, Blake wanted people to watch her fuck herself stupid. Her exhibitionist kink was in full swing today, her fingers itched to touch her pussy or even just her nipples, which had long-since formed to almost painfully hard points poking out from beneath her shirt to tent the fabric, and she needed to wipe thoughts of Liam and Marie from her mind.

When the number of viewers in the room hit a satisfying number, Blake grinned.

"Alright guys," she said, "My pussy is hungry today, and my goal is to basically try and fuck myself into a coma. I'm setting the goal at 3000 for when I will stop caring about any tip requests and just give you guys a good cumshow where I fuck my pussy and my ass, so get tipping."

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