Part XLVII: Finally

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LXVII: Blake

Blake's heart fluttered as Liam unwrapped the towel, revealing his half-hard cock, then strode toward her. She wanted to meet his eyes, but couldn't tear her own away from his wonderful cock, watching it grow as he approached. When he reached the bed, it was fully hard.

Barely giving him a moment to settle back onto the mattress, Blake took his face in her hands and kissed him. Her fingers moved to tangle in his hair as Liam deepened the kiss.

Ugh, I love his short hair but I need more to grab onto.

Blake started, letting loose a whimper as Liam pulled back.

Why does he do that just when I'm getting all warm and tingly.

"Are you sure about this?"

Blake wanted to be annoyed at the question, but the sincerity in Liam's eyes calmed her a bit.

He's just being good. This is why you feel the way you do about him.

"I am."

"Even though you don't think you'll be able to stop?"

Blake nodded, "I don't want our date to be like...something you think you have to do for us to be together."

Liam opened his mouth, but Blake pressed a finger against his lips. He smiled and kissed the finger.

Blake closed her eyes for a moment as shivers ran through her.

"I know you don't think of it like that, I--" she sighed, "I also don't think I'm really in a state of mind to enjoy whatever you have planned for us. You seem so excited and I really want to enjoy it, but right now if we went out, I'd just be waiting until it was over so we could get home and fuck."

Liam blinked at that, but Blake kissed him before he could say anything. This time, she controlled the kiss, holding him tightly, pulling him against her as she nipped and sucked at his lips. The haze in Blake's mind grew even thicker as she filled her nostrils with Liam's scent, tasting him.

He's a little minty, too.

Blake deepened the kiss, barely pausing to breathe. Her hands moved back and forth between Liam's face and his hair. She couldn't stop touching him, couldn't stop kissing him.

At some point, Blake lost control of the kiss. She didn't really care by then, however. She was so fucking wet. Every time Liam nipped or sucked at her lower lip or ran his tongue over her lips or slipped it between them, her pussy grew hungrier, more desperate for her tongue to be on those lips instead of her mouth. But she just couldn't stop.

I don't have to hold back anymore.

When Liam broke the kiss, Blake almost growled at him. Then his lips brushed against her neck.

Blake gasped, fingers digging into Liam's scalp as sparks and shivers ran through her. Liam's lips closed around a second spot. Blake moaned as he sucked just a bit before moving just a bit farther down her neck to do it again. Her pulse began to pound in her ears as Liam ran his tongue up her neck, tracing a line from her shoulder to her jaw. She shuddered when he did it again over her throat, and again when he gave her lightly-sucking kisses in the same spot.

Images of Liam holding her by the throat while he fucked her flashed through Blake's mind.

Fuck, there's gonna be a fucking puddle on my bed.

Then Liam's lips closed around her earlobe.

"Oh, fuck!"

Blake shuddered as Liam sucked hard on her earlobe. Then she felt his teeth. They were gentle, but the pressure made Blake's pussy clench down on the phantom cock it needed inside of it.

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