Part XLIV: He Actually Did It

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XLIV: Liam and Blake


Liam took another deep breath as he caught himself about to start pacing. Marie had texted him a little while ago saying she was on her way, but every passing second seemed like hours. She hadn't seemed too worried or upset when he'd told her he needed to meet so they could talk, but that just made Liam feel worse about what he'd decided to do.

What I need to do, he reminded himself, otherwise I'm just going to feel worse and worse and it will be so much more of a mess when I finally do something about it.


Liam flinched, but forced a smile as he turned around to face his girlfriend. She was beautiful, green eyes and red, rosebud lips framed by the blonde hair that fell to her shoulders, sleek peacoat covering her down to her stockinged knees, yet the clothing flattered her slim figure.

As beautiful as she was, Liam didn't feel the way he once had when he looked at her. He didn't know her anymore. He knew about her, but she wasn't the first one he wanted to share things with any longer. More importantly, he didn't feel like he could trust her as much as he wanted to or felt he should be able to. That was what had spurred him to ask her to talk.

He'd chosen the little garden area over behind the gym that looked out on the Pike and the Charles. Public, but private enough for what he suspected would happen once they started talking.

"Hey, Marie," he said, gesturing to the brick border of one of the planters and taking a seat himself. He sighed when she sat down next to him, eyes curious, but not worried or knowing.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Is there anything between us other than sex anymore?"

Marie blinked at him, and Liam found himself doing the same. He'd gone back and forth far too many times on exactly what he would say to Marie, but none of his options had been that direct. The words had just slipped out.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

Liam sighed, wanting to hold his head in his hands, but he made himself meet Marie's eyes. Now, they held worry.

"The last couple dates we've been on," he said, "You didn't really seem interested in going out so much as you did what came after.

Marie's expression darkened a bit, "You're complaining about that?"

"No—Yes. I—" Liam sighed, "It's not the amount of sex we do have, it's the amount of everything else we don't have. When was the last time we really connected, Marie? When you just felt all warm and content talking or just hanging out cuddling or doing nothing together?"

He paused to give her an opportunity to answer, but she only frowned.

"I tried taking you out and coming over to hang out all those times over the past two weeks to try and see if there was anything left beside that, but I don't think there is."

"So, what if that's true?" Marie demanded, a bit of an edge to her voice, "You've been fine with that for the past month or so from what I can tell. So, what if there's no lovey-dovey spark anymore? I still like being with you."

Liam blinked. He hadn't really thought she would agree on that.

"I think that was just a band-aid, Marie," he said, finally looking away, "I think that deciding to stay together over the summer was what kept us interested. When we got back here and finally saw each other again, that only lasted a while before starting to fizzle out. Before Blake said...whatever it was that made you suddenly so interested in me again, I—"

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